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How Big Pharma Keeps You Sick—Watch this NOW! August 27, 2024 Health & Red Pill No, it’s not “click bait.” First of all, SKM has no “monetized” web presence; i.e., we do not receive any money based on the number of people who Bragg's Liquid Aminos - Poison? August 19, 2024 Articles & Health We found the following article (with the headline above) in one of our library of older publications. That publication has been defunct for a number Special Note to ALL our Blog Readers August 8, 2024 Health & Current Events 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Dear Readers, I do not always My Annual Health Check-up and Big Brother’s Intrusion August 6, 2024 Health & Current Events I have paid taxes all my life and still do, so I have no shame about taking back via Medicare—given our horrible health care system where private That Wicked Weed—Poison Ivy June 5, 2024 Health & Poison Ivy There is a very popular microbrewery in Asheville called The Wicked Weed. It is in a building that was first a gas station, and then an auto and Health alert—Beware some breathing machines! February 28, 2024 Current Events & Health 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD Big Pharma’s antidepressants fraud and the semaglutide bioweapon February 27, 2024 Current Events & Health & Big Pharma Two stories today. QUOTE: By Joseph Mercola | 2/2/2024 | Updated: 2/2/2024 Health Viewpoints Medical journalist Robert Whitaker unravels a shocking Venom peptides in weight loss drugs, and nicotine in healing “Long COVID” February 20, 2024 Current Events & Health & COVID This is a very recent interview of Dr. Bryan Ardis by Mike Adams, aka, the Health Ranger. It may be as recent as a few days ago, possibly done on An Approach to Treating Long COVID February 16, 2024 Health & COVID 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. In keeping with our frequent Senator/Dr. Rand Paul has been vindicated—again—in his conflict with the “eminent Dr.” Fauci! January 19, 2024 Health & Politics & Current Events Here’s the headline: But you should know that the above headline is from a story in the conservative Washington Times—published on June 2, 2021 ! We Does your home have an ant problem? January 18, 2024 Articles & Health NKJ 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Greetings, fellow Goshenites! We consumers are rejecting fake meat alternatives January 15, 2024 Current Events & Food & Health Paraphrasing the perfect Nazi type from central casting, the Darth Vaderesque head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, as he is THE ANTIDOTE | The Explosive Truth, Origin, and Antidote for Covid-19 January 10, 2024 Health As we have viewed many of President Trump’s rallies in the past year, we have noticed that he has on a number of occasions told the parable of the “Mask up!”—four years after the edict of the eminent Dr. Fauci January 3, 2024 Health & Current Events I had a sad experience with a teen girl at one of our local supermarkets today. I had picked up eight or ten items and headed for one of the Are fungal infections causing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases? December 18, 2023 Articles & Health Customarily, we would introduce an article about health and healing with this verse. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest By eating fast foods, are we unwittingly ingesting contraceptives and various chemicals with terrible side effects? November 28, 2023 Health & Red Pill Our purpose for bringing you this information is summarized in this Scripture. NKJ 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and Grown-up ‘trans kid’ details horrors of trans surgeries November 7, 2023 Current Events & Health It is easy to condemn the “trans community.” The manifesto of the transgender shooter of nine people, children and adults, at the Nashville Why would hospitals hide children’s medical information from parents? October 26, 2023 Current Events & Health Earlier this year, our North Carolina Republican-controlled House and Senate passed legislation “barring medical professionals from providing Dr. Malone on Israeli DNA and transhumanism October 20, 2023 Health & Transhumanism The two lectures we presented at the Rapid City Conference were entitled Transhumanism Today—Moral and Ethical Considerations. We came home to find Quick update on James’ health, plus more Rushmore pics October 19, 2023 Health & Updates With our Father’s little miracle on my behalf on Tuesday to heal and restore my extremely sore throat, my focus of healing was then on the A divine miracle? Ministering angel? I think so! October 18, 2023 Health & Updates I am much improved, praise God! A most amazing thing happened yesterday, but I was much too tired to include it yesterday’s blog. Besides, I wanted James was ill at “Mt. Rushmore” Conference October 17, 2023 Bible Conferences & Updates & Health Some readers who saw the Conference on live-stream may have heard on Sunday that James was in self-quarantine in his room. Here’s the story to date. Do you have a Berkey water filter? October 16, 2023 Health Where will it stop? When will it end? By “it” we refer to the seeming craziness and insanity which seems to be overwhelming America (and the world). Helping critical thinkers be prepared for “Covid-24” October 13, 2023 Health The following information is the work of a close friend/correspondent of ours in a distant state who wishes to remain anonymous. In the likely event “The military COVID shot mandate is dead.” October 12, 2023 Current Events & Health A dear friend/correspondent in Tennessee alerted us to this story. We would be very surprised if you hear about it anywhere on the Babylonian Media. Truth about Ivermectin—To preserve and restore liberty in the months ahead October 4, 2023 Health & Red Pill We are about 13 months out from the next presidential election. We fully expect the Dems, the deep state, the cabal, the Mystery Babylonians to once James’ Health Update | September 5, 2023 September 5, 2023 Updates & Health I expect this to be the last update on my health insofar as the gall bladder surgery is concerned. My supreme gratitude goes to the Supreme Being, Surgery Update! September 1, 2023 Updates & Health I had the gallbladder removal surgery this morning. I am home, I am feeling very good. On the way home we picked up all the meds that were To the Prayer Loop and our blog readers August 31, 2023 Updates & Health & Prayer Brothers and sisters across the nation and elsewhere, please keep me in your prayers tomorrow (Friday) morning at 10 a.m. Eastern Time, as I will be James’ Health Update for Tuesday, August 29, 2023 August 29, 2023 Updates & Health I have been eating minimal amounts of fresh fruits and veggies, and last night I had some vegetable soup. Still no further “Attacks of the Brief Update on James' Health 8-28-23 August 28, 2023 Updates & Health I have no pain… but then I have only begun to eat a little bit. I was essentially on a seven-day fast, which I ended last evening with two scrambled James’ Health Update—Surgery Slated August 25, 2023 Updates & Health I am scheduled for surgery a week from today. I had the consultation with the surgeon yesterday mid-afternoon. He was not an arrogant, white-coated, James’ Health—Urgent August 24, 2023 Updates & Health At the ER on Sunday night, I was referred to a surgeon. This morning I contacted his office to set an appointment for a consultation, which was for James’ Health Update and Meeting Report August 22, 2023 Updates & Health & Politics I have had no further episodes of a gallstone attack since Sunday night. I have been on a water-only fast since Sunday evening. I even went to a My Trip to the ER Last Night—Prayer Requested August 21, 2023 Updates & Health & Prayer Just a short report today, my friends, as I am somewhat tired. (Make that very tired). At 8 p.m. last night everything seemed fine. By 8:30 I was They Called Him “King James” in the Basketball World August 1, 2023 Health & Current Events Too bad his basketball moniker does not apply to his off-court activities. Having played organized basketball until age 55, we, too, admired the Dr. Martin Testifies to European Parliament on Covid Timeline May 26, 2023 COVID & Health This just in from our intrepid correspondent on the east coast. He commented: “I was aware of Dr. [David] Martin’s work on patents. I was not aware Testing Finds Genetically Modified and Sometimes Poisonous Lunches Served Daily in Schools May 11, 2023 Current Events & Health The following are excerpts from a report published by Moms Across America. Here are more reasons (1) to homeschool your kids, and (2) to get to know Poison ivy rides again—but not on my skin! May 4, 2023 Health & Poison Ivy Spring seemed to come very early this year and with it the emergence of the perennial poison ivy. As regular readers know, I have shared my My son, David, has passed away! May 1, 2023 Updates & Health I am deeply saddened to announce that my son, David, passed away early this morning (Eastern time), probably just before midnight (Phoenix, AZ Update on David Bruggeman April 27, 2023 Updates & Health We thank all of you praying for my son and ask for you to continue to believe and pray with me for an astounding miracle. We do not have much to add Update on David Bruggeman, Monday, April 24 April 24, 2023 Updates & Health I have been incommunicado this past week because I flew to Phoenix to be with my son, David, for a few days, while he is undergoing treatment at the How Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, Fauci and the NIH, and their accomplices in the Babylonian Media (BM) executed an attempted global genocide program January 31, 2023 Big Pharma & Health & Media In this brief, but powerful video, we are shown how the scam of the Plandemic was carried out. This mini-documentary focuses on only one (of the Two Stories from which America Can Take Painful Lessons to Heart September 23, 2022 COVID & Health & Articles (P)Resident Faux Joe Bidan “slipped up” (or was it deliberate as he continues to be the pretend president?) in (QUOTE) an interview on “60 Minutes” Are you sure you want to get another booster? August 25, 2022 Health & Vaxxes & Adultery Here are two stories relating to the continuing dangers of “the jab.” Don’t expect to see these on CNN or Fox News or any of the Babylonian Media 27-Year-Old High School Varsity Basketball Coach “Dies Unexpectedly” of Cardiac Arrest August 19, 2022 Current Events & Health & Vaccinations & Vaxxed Are you thinking what we are thinking? Yes, wondering if the young man had received the jab? I would think it would be quite likely. But in the Dr. Fauci Says Because of Social Media “Misinformation” it’s Difficult to Get Americans to “Adhere” to Authoritarian Covid Measures August 18, 2022 Health & COVID We still have no photo personally taken by yours truly of our beloved CDC 😉, but we are posting this graphic from NPR (of all outlets!) and a story Avoiding the Toxic Effects of Aluminum August 10, 2022 Health & Science Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. 3 John 1:2. The headline is an article by ‘Manipulated’ Alzheimer’s data may have misled research for 16 years August 1, 2022 Health & Science This is stunning! We all know people suffering from dementia and/or Alzheimer’s. We have also seen pictures of brain scan images which purport to Tetros urges "Follow the science..." regarding "vaxxes" July 28, 2022 Humor & Health Will Americans mask up for monkey pox? July 27, 2022 Current Events & Health (Just in time for the mid-term elections?) We hope not! By now, we hope the majority of Americans have seen through (pun intended) all the holes in 12 Worst Endocrine Disruptors and How to Avoid Them July 12, 2022 Health & Red Pill Our long-time friend, the late Doug Evers, founded and owned a small food supplement business, wholesaling to health food stores, and providing God vs. Big Pharma April 29, 2022 Health & Big Pharma Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. (3 John 1:2) DISCLAIMER: I am not a medical Fauci Says U.S. ‘Pandemic Phase’ Is Over April 27, 2022 Health & COVID & Current Events Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on the PBS News Hour with Judy Woodruff. Here is the story as it appeared on the PBS News Hour website. Here is a more Dr. Kory’s answer to Dr. Ardis April 19, 2022 Health & Big Pharma & COVID I trust readers detected my caution when I posted links four days ago to Dr. Bryan Ardis’ presentations regarding snake venom. A very highly Seventeen Congressmen file lawsuit against CDC March 16, 2022 Health & Politics & COVID March 14, 2022 This comes from a news release from Congressman Massie’s office. Emphasis mine—JWB. QUOTE: Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) is CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater March 3, 2022 Health & COVID & Current Events (Suddenly—no masks!) Just in time for Joe Biden’s State of the Union address/debacle, came the discovery by the CDC that masks are no longer Both science and public health are broken February 17, 2022 Current Events & Health & Science As I began to put this post together, I began searching for where I had previously posted about Dr. Kulldorff and the Great Barrington Declaration. The light at the end of the Covid December 16, 2021 Health & COVID I have a few comments at the end of this encouraging opinion piece by Alex Berenson. Here is a photo of Berenson. QUOTE: One way or another, the For Sunday brunch I had a poison ivy sandwich May 18, 2021 Health & Poison Ivy Last week I told you of my experience with eating bee pollen and how it builds one’s own natural immunity to “seasonal allergens.” I find that I do What I did for poison ivy October 7, 2020 Articles & Health & Poison Ivy It has been ten days now, so I am very confident in sharing this personal testimony with you. When I was a child growing up on a farm in Exposing the occult corona initiation ritual August 20, 2020 Health & COVID & Big Pharma & Occult A couple of months ago I came across an article which explained how that many aspects of the response to the Coronavirus (CV) are, in fact, part of Does mask confusion = mass confusion? August 19, 2020 COVID & Health & Teachings A week or so ago, a close friend (I will call him Sam to protect his identity) sent me an email with his thoughts on the efficacy of masks vis a vis How big is a virus? August 4, 2020 COVID & Health & Teachings I know that some of my readers live in states where masks are not required by your governor’s executive order. Count your blessings! One of those Science Teacher Explains Why Children SHOULD Wear Face Masks August 3, 2020 Health & COVID Okay, friends (and browsers—future friends)…this just in. Watch this brief video now, before YouTube censors it (removes it). It is less than 5 Are you “Mask Exempt?” July 20, 2020 COVID & Health & Occult As some governors—mostly Dems—clamp down harder and supposedly “order” everyone to wear masks, I notice that people without masks are becoming How easy it is to steal our freedoms under the guise of a pandemic! July 3, 2020 Health & Big Pharma & Freedom Let me be clear—as I have explained in some of my many previous blogs on this topic since February, there definitely is a viral threat, but yet in