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Jesus Pleads for Americans July 25, 2024 Articles We discovered the following article in our shelves of old magazines. In light of our recent blogs with Juan O Savin giving the revelation of the Evidence of a Conspiracy to Assassinate Trump? July 18, 2024 Articles & Trump Our own comments are after this article. QUOTE: This is wild. The firm that took the suspicious and enormous bet against President Trump’s Truth The Divine Promise of Your Bodily Resurrection June 17, 2024 Articles & Teaching We hope you are blessed by this study of one of the fundamental doctrines of our Christian faith—the resurrection of your body. It was written by Flying High Lately? Or is it too risky? June 10, 2024 Current Events & Articles No, we are not referring to using drugs, but to air travel. Have you flown on commercial airlines lately? I try to avoid it unless there is no Some Biblical Wisdom for when People Disagree April 15, 2024 Articles We have no need to point out to our readers concerning the lack of civility in public discourse in our government bodies. The rancor and nastiness Was St. Paul a Poor Tentmaker? April 11, 2024 Articles & Kingdom Digest The article below is excerpted from Dr. Kinnaman’s book, Out of the Dust, published in 1945. We discovered this excerpt reprinted in our copy of the My name is Xi Jinping.... March 21, 2024 Articles & Current Events & China The author of the opinion piece below is Col. Ric Hunter, a retired U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with 27 years—and 4,000 hours—of high-performance James the Apostle, Evangelist to Israel in Spain March 13, 2024 Articles & Kingdom Digest This essay was originally published in the British-Israel publication called The Ensign Message, date unknown. The Ensign Message is the official How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape, part three February 26, 2024 Articles & Red Pill Here is the third and final portion of an interview of Ms. Sharyl Attkisson conducted by Mr. Jan Jekeliek of Epoch Times TV. We posted part two last How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape, part two February 23, 2024 Articles & Red Pill Here is part two of three of an interview of Sharyl Attkisson conducted by Mr. Jan Jekeliek of Epoch Times TV. We posted part one yesterday. QUOTE: How Propagandists Co-Opted ‘Fact-Checkers’ and the Press to Control the Information Landscape, part one. February 22, 2024 Articles & Red Pill We assume that most of our readers have heard that Catherine Herridge was fired from CBS News recently. That is not surprising since she was one of Does your home have an ant problem? January 18, 2024 Articles & Health NKJ 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Greetings, fellow Goshenites! The Unveiling and the Revealing in the Air, part 2 January 8, 2024 Current Events & Articles & Mystery Babylon Part 1 was posted last Thursday, January 4, 2024. Jeffrey Tucker’s essay was called Apocalypse in the Air. Mr. Tucker continued: QUOTE: It’s The Unveiling and the Revealing in the Air January 4, 2024 Current Events & Articles & Mystery Babylon In our efforts to continually be aware of current events in order to provide a biblical context—and therefore biblical hope (i.e., a certain Zuckerbucks building a survivalist compound? January 2, 2024 Articles & Current Events It’s raising questions among many. Questions such as, what does Zuckerbucks know that we don’t? Every contractor and worker on the project is made Are fungal infections causing Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative diseases? December 18, 2023 Articles & Health Customarily, we would introduce an article about health and healing with this verse. 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest Israel’s Sons and the Zodiac December 15, 2023 Articles & Israel We would guess that many of our readers are already familiar with the subject of the following article, so for you it serves as a refresher course. Missing facts about Lenin December 14, 2023 History & Politics & Articles This past Tuesday, we posted a blog with two separate topics: one dealing with the communist dictator, Lenin, and the other an interview of Alex 1. Lenin and the downfall of Russia 2. Tucker Carlson podcast December 12, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Articles Since I was teaching at my usual Tennessee-Georgia circuit (SK Fellowships) this past weekend, yesterday was a day of rest for me. I did not have A brief snapshot of President Andrew Jackson November 16, 2023 Articles & History & Kingdom Digest The following article is excerpted from an article which we found in our collection of the now-defunct Kingdom Digest. As was and is the case with You Are Being Scammed July 19, 2023 Articles Scams and con jobs have always been with us. (For those readers in Carthagena, Ohio, a “con job” is not necessarily a term referring to a “convict,” Wokeism snuggles with Marxism... June 6, 2023 Articles & Woke Given our commentary in yesterday’s blog on the relatively sudden emergence of “being woke,” and the maelstrom of cultural and societal suicide (and Concerning - Pedophilia among the Catholic Clergy. The WHO Pushing Abominations against Children June 5, 2023 Articles & Current Events The first story was brought to our attention by one of our correspondents in Ohio. We provide these short excerpts from a story by the Associated Parents’ Bill of Rights—Don’t be deceived! It is a Trojan horse! March 8, 2023 Articles & Current Events & Education Some time ago, we heard the idea being floated in conservative circles that “with all the nonsense and worse going on now in public schools, what we Diesel shortage alert for southeastern U.S. from Maryland to Alabama! October 31, 2022 Articles & Current Events This could easily and very rapidly cascade into all the other states in the USA, perhaps excepting Hawaii and Alaska. It is a very serious situation PayPal Fiasco Was No Accident October 20, 2022 Articles & PayPal Lord willing, America will never have to experience an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) from a nuclear bomb being exploded in our skies. For those of you Jan. 6 Committee Votes to Subpoena Trump October 14, 2022 Articles & Politics & Election & Trump Anyone who thinks that Donald J. Trump did not foresee this possibility is simply not paying attention. We not only believe DJT (and the white hat How’s that coal-fired Tesla working out for you? October 12, 2022 Articles & Tesla We have relatives who drive matching Teslas. They are a millennial couple, highly educated, and wonderful people. We love them dearly! We would not Two Stories from which America Can Take Painful Lessons to Heart September 23, 2022 COVID & Health & Articles (P)Resident Faux Joe Bidan “slipped up” (or was it deliberate as he continues to be the pretend president?) in (QUOTE) an interview on “60 Minutes” Over 200 victims of sex trafficking rescued August 24, 2022 Articles & Trafficking We have a sister-in-Christ who is, in our opinion, a spiritual intercessor assigned by the heavenly Father to plead with Him to bring the “Your Spirit irritates their demons!” August 12, 2022 Articles & Politics Here is a column by a local, conservative Republican whom I met back in the early 1990s, although he probably would not remember me now. For a time, Ron DeSantis - ‘Florida Has Put WOKE Banking on Notice’ August 11, 2022 Articles & Current Events & Woke If we judge by the fruit, Ron DeSantis is one of few truly patriotic and Constitution-loving national figures taking on the behemoth Big Everything. Clean Comedy June 17, 2022 Articles & Humor Let’s take a break and get the weekend off with a laugh. Years ago, I tuned in to the cable channel called Comedy Central. It did not take long to What I did for poison ivy October 7, 2020 Articles & Health & Poison Ivy It has been ten days now, so I am very confident in sharing this personal testimony with you. When I was a child growing up on a farm in