Chapter 20—part 4 - Latter-day Israel is a flame and a fire
October 23, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We are still analyzing the term “ancient of days.” It is found in only three places and all three are in Daniel 7. We left off in the middle of this
Chapter 20—part 3 - Throne on wheels with a fiery flame
October 22, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
For several chapters now, we have been expounding how the Bible prophesies the rise of the Stone Kingdom. Most recently, we are providing an
Chapter 20—part 2 - The Judgment of Uncle Same
October 21, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We are in the midst of lecture #20. Beginning with chapter/lecture #17, we have been tracing and expounding the rise of the Stone Kingdom (although
Chapter 20—part 1 - Rise of the Stone Kingdom (continued)
October 20, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Hello, again! For the record, this lecture was initially presented October 8th, 2011 at the Stone Kingdom Bible Conference held in St. Louis,
Chapter 19—part 2 - USA—The “top of the mountains”
October 16, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We begin today exactly where we left off in the part 58. To begin to explain my understanding of the stone and the kingdom, look at Daniel 2:44 once
Chapter 19—part 2 - USA—The “top of the mountains”
October 15, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Hello, again! Picking up exactly where we left off… I was offering a suggestion that if the reader finds someone who is willing to look at an
Chapter 19—Part 1 - Thrones were cast down
October 14, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Alright, class, welcome to chapter-lecture #19 in our Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom series. Let us begin again in Daniel, chapter 2. You are
Chapter 18—Who or what is the “ancient of days?”
October 13, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Welcome back! To reset the stage, I had stated: Now I know that one of the first objections someone will set forth is: “Well, if America is the
Chapter 18—America fulfills prophecies in the book of Micah, part 2
October 12, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
As we continue explaining the rise of the Stone Kingdom in America, we are showing the fulfillment of certain prophecies in America. We left off in
Chapter 18—America fulfills prophecies in the book of Micah, part 1
October 9, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Two lectures back we began to trace the rise of financial Babylon. This dealt with the fact that religious Babylon has been supplanted by the
Chapter 17—The Rise of the Stone Kingdom, Part 3
October 6, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We are in the middle of a discussion triggered by Jesus’ words to the leaders of the Jewish nation, when He said to them… Matthew 21:43 Therefore
Chapter 17—The Rise of the Stone Kingdom, Part 2
October 5, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Welcome back! We left off as we were demonstrating that, contrary to what most Christians might think, the primary focus of Jesus’ 3½ years of
Chapter 17—The Rise of the Stone Kingdom, Part 1
October 1, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
This is chapter / lecture # 17 in our series entitled Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. In our previous lecture, we were pursuing two lines of
Chapter 16—The Rise of Financial Babylon, Part 3
September 28, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We saw the prophecy through Isaac concerning his sons, Jacob and Esau, that the elder (Esau) would serve the younger (Jacob). The birthright came to
Chapter 16—The Rise of Financial Babylon, Part 2
September 25, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
At about the midpoint of the previous installment, I stated that I must now do some extensive biblical and historical review in order for my readers
Chapter 16—The Rise of Financial Babylon, Part 1
September 24, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
This is chapter/lecture #16 in our series entitled Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. Within the previous two lectures (and certainly not to
Chapter 15—The Arms and Legs of Mystery Babylon, Part 3
September 17, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We left off yesterday discussing one of the present-day “arms” of Mystery Babylon; namely, the educational system. We saw how an unrepentant, 1960s
Chapter 15—The Arms and Legs of Mystery Babylon, Part 2
September 16, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
In yesterday’s blog we introduced the topic of what I call “the arms and legs” of Mystery Babylon. By this point in our studies of Mystery Babylon
Chapter 15—The Arms and Legs of Mystery Babylon, Part 1
September 15, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
The previous lecture (chapter 14) in this series was an interlude message because of the fact that it was delivered to the audience at our
Chapter 14—Thresh & Consecrate, Ye Daughters of Zion! Part 3
September 11, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Back to where we left off in Isaiah 52; the terms “Zion” and “the daughter of Zion” refer to God’s Israel people in the latter days who have become
Chapter 14—Thresh & Consecrate, Ye Daughters of Zion! Part 2
September 9, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Welcome back, picking up where we left off, we are marching through the various proofs that one of the reasons Jesus came was to bring national
Chapter 14—Thresh & Consecrate, Ye Daughters of Zion!
September 8, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Hello and thank you for reading! At this point in our overall series, we have completed our perusal of how history shows the fall of
Chapter 13-The 4th Empire Extended, Papal Rome, Part 9
September 7, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We pick up where we left off with a refresher on the quote from Cardinal Edward Manning, a convert from the Church of England to Romanism, who wrote
Chapter 13-The 4th Empire Extended, Papal Rome, Part 8
September 4, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Welcome back! Where we left off in this series we were marching through various proofs and evidence that the papacy is without question the mouth of
Chapter 13-The 4th Empire Extended, Papal Rome, Part 7
September 2, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Greetings, my online readers! The title of this in-depth blog series is Daniel’s 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome. This will be part 7 of our
Chapter 12 - The 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, Part 6
August 28, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We were discussing information we find in the book, Popes from the Ghetto, by Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz. Picking up from precisely where we left off
Chapter 12 - The 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, Part 5
August 26, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Welcome back. Where we left off, we were learning about how over the centuries, the papacy—by deal-making, by stealth and cunning—gradually assumed
Chapter 12 - The 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, Part 4
August 21, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Our last blog series was called The 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome. This chapter is a blog series which is a continuation of the same. Briefly, the
Chapter 11—Daniel’s 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, part 3
August 14, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Welcome back, we were perusing Daniel’s prophecies of the “little horn.” As you will see, the Bible, along with a knowledge of history, clearly
Chapter 11—Daniel’s 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, part 2
August 13, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Picking up from the last blog. We were marching through the prophecies in the book of Daniel and left off last time with the fall of the pagan Roman
Chapter 11—Daniel’s 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, part 1
August 11, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
I want to begin today with a correction. In my last lecture (Chapter 10), I stated that the ancient city of Babylon crumbled into dust centuries
Chapter 10 - The 4th Empire, Pagan Rome, part 3
July 30, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Welcome back! Where were we? We were marching through our mini-series on the 4th Empire described in the biblical prophecy from Nebuchadnezzar’s
Chapter 10 - The 4th Empire, Pagan Rome, part 2
July 28, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Picking up where we left off, we are working our way through mini-series on the The 4th Empire—Pagan Rome which is part of our larger ongoing series
Chapter 10 - The 4th Empire, Pagan Rome, part 1
July 27, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Turn (or Click) in your Bibles to the book of Revelation, chapter 14. We are blogging through a series of lectures concerning what the Bible teaches
Chapter 9 - 100 Years of the Fed, Part 5
June 26, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
As we began to assemble in front of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank, 6th District, shortly before 6 p.m., a fire truck raced by. Someone noted that
Chapter 9 - 100 Years of the Fed, Part 4
June 25, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
When we speak of the Federal Reserve System, we are speaking of the visible symbol and the actual implementers of the economic debt bondage which
Chapter 8 - 100 Years of the Fed, Part 3
June 24, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
I ended the previous blog post, “The sad truth is that the Federal Reserve is at the very core of our economic and financial problems, and that is
Chapter 8 - 100 Years of the Fed, Part 2
June 23, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
In the following blog, all emphasis and comments in [brackets] are mine—JWB. A second example of whitewashing propaganda from the Establishment
Chapter 8 - 100 Years of the Fed, Part 1
June 22, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We are in the midst of a series of lectures concerning Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. This is a blog series that is based on lecture #8.
Chapter 7 - Daniel Unsealed The Fourth Beast Kingdom, Part 3
June 1, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Picking up where we left off (backing up just a bit for continuity’s sake)… Revelation 17:3 So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness:
Chapter 7 - Daniel Unsealed The Fourth Beast Kingdom, Part 2
May 28, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Both Bible prophecy and history are in agreement that the fourth kingdom of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream was the Roman Empire. As we look at Daniel’s
Chapter 7 - Daniel Unsealed The Fourth Beast Kingdom, Part 1
May 21, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Daniel 12:8 And I heard, but I understood not: then said I, O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things? 9 And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for
Chapter 6 - Prophecies of Daniel Unsealed (continued), Part 2
May 18, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Daniel has explained to King Nebuchadnezzar that the head of the statue in his dream represents the king himself and, by extension, his Babylonian
Chapter 6 - The Prophecies of Daniel Unsealed (continued), Part 1
May 12, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Hello again, you bunch of Bereans! [grinning] I trust you recognize that my greeting is one of respect! Because if you are a believer like unto the
Chapter 5 - The Prophecies of Daniel Unsealed, Part 2
April 22, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
The book of Daniel has numerous mentions of historical figures contemporary with Daniel. Proofs of the veracity of the book of Daniel using that
Chapter 5 - The Prophecies of Daniel Unsealed, Part 1
April 16, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We shall begin in Daniel, chapter 12, today. I am continuing in our series of studies called Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom. Those are two
Chapter 4 - Babylon and Collectivism, Part 3
April 10, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Collectivism & Teaching
In part two, we were diving into Revelation 17 with the visions and prophecies therein. We are laying the groundwork to decipher the meaning of the
Chapter 4 - Babylon and Collectivism, Part 2
April 7, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Collectivism & Teaching
Picking up where we left off in the last blog…. More on the history of collectivism posing as socialism, liberalism, progressivism et al. In the
Chapter 4 - Babylon and Collectivism, Part 1
April 2, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Collectivism & Teaching
Greetings, little flock …of the Stone Kingdom! Do you remember what Jesus said about the little flock? Fear not, little flock; for it is your
Chapter 3 - The Spirit of the Lord and Liberty, Part 2
March 26, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
I showed in our previous blog series (Chapter 2, “We are in trouble”) that before the deliverers come on the scene, we must repent as a nation. It
Chapter 3 - The Spirit of the Lord and Liberty, Part 1
March 20, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Note to any new and possibly younger readers: This is directed especially at younger readers who may have been taught little about America’s
Chapter 2 - We're in Trouble, Part 3
March 16, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
first comes the prophet, then the deliverer(s). In the first chapter of this new series I shared somewhat concerning my own personal experiences
Chapter 2 - We're in Trouble, Part 2
March 6, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
Picking up where we left off last time… I have been speaking in general terms up to this point concerning the glorious Stone Kingdom. So here,
Chapter 2 - We're in Trouble, Part 1
February 28, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Teaching
We’re in trouble! Our currency is losing value at an alarming rate. Our freedoms are disappearing at an equally alarming rate. Our educational
Chapter 1 - Politics and Religion, Part 3
February 12, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Politics & Teaching
Where we left off, I was recounting some of my experiences with the John Birch Society (JBS). Just a little bit more of my personal history as I
Chapter 1 - Let's Talk Politics and Religion, Part 2
January 31, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Politics & Teaching
Let us continue our analysis of the widely accepted version of the political spectrum. We discussed the left wing in the previous blog. Now let’s
Chapter 1 - Let's Talk Politics and Religion, Part 1
January 24, 2020
MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Politics & Teaching
In my first blog for this year of 2020 I stated that since I do not have the time nor the resources in money or staff to get my lectures turned into