
Current Events

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Voting Early October 21, 2024 Current Events & Politics It is getting late in the afternoon, so I only have time for a brief report. It consumed the better part of my working day just to get my early vote Hurricane Helene Update—Remember Kevin & Julie October 17, 2024 Updates & Current Events Many of our readers know our dear friends, Kevin O’Connell and his wife, Julie. They are alive and well. Both radio professionals by trade, Kevin is Finally…Our Internet Service is Back! October 16, 2024 Updates & Current events Last evening I attended a meeting from 5:30-6:30 at our local GOP HQ. I met and chatted with NC GOP chairman, Jason Simmons, and with our More Juan O Savin on Weather Modification and Weather Warfare October 14, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events We wish there were time for us to make extensive comments on this podcast, but that will have to wait. I am still working to get everything out of John & Juan – (107) Weather Modification—Fact or Fiction? October 11, 2024 107 & Red Pill & Current Events QUOTE: Be patient with this broadcast. High level in depth. Garbage in? Garbage out! Invest 83 minutes of your time then share this everywhere! It’s Juan O Savin on Helene as Weather Warfare October 8, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events Here is Juan’s take on the latest events including Helene as weather warfare (see our blog from yesterday) against red swing states (including NC, Is Weather Warfare in Use Against America Via Hurricane Helene? October 7, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill This writer has been aware of weather manipulation for decades. It is not a conspiracy theory. It is established fact for those who care to do the James’ Update on WNC Conditions—Friday, October 4, 2024 October 4, 2024 Updates & Current Events Unless one is a hermit totally closed off from the outside world, everyone has by now seen pictures and videos of the utterly horrendous conditions James’ Update on Conditions in WNC as of Wednesday, October 2, 2024 October 2, 2024 Updates & Current Events Serious conditions still prevail in Western North Carolina (WNC) in the aftermath of HHH (the Hellish Hurricane Helene). To save my precious time, The Aftermath of God’s Wrath October 1, 2024 Updates & Current Events I and my loved ones are safe! Praise be to God! Thank you for your prayers! I realize that many of you wonderful friends among our readers have been I Goofed—Plus, a New 107 Podcast - Black Swan vs. White Swans September 16, 2024 Updates & Current Events & Red Pill CORRECTION: I made a mistake in the last mailing (the September issue of Feed My Sheep). In the cover letter, I had changed the letterhead to SKM Office Move Update Friday, September 13th September 13, 2024 Current Events & Updates This week has been extraordinarily busy with the office move. We will have no SK Fellowship meetings this month in Tennessee and Georgia. Just Office Move Update Friday, September 6th September 6, 2024 Current Events & Updates Things are going reasonably well with the move. Jesse has been dismantling all the Information Technology (IT) equipment and boxing it carefully for Office Move Update—New Postal AND e-Mailing Addresses September 3, 2024 Current Events & Updates Here are important details about our office move which is now in progress. We have been notified of a major increase of the rent for our office Speech by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announcing the Suspension of His Campaign for President August 29, 2024 Current Events & Politics Preliminary comments by Dr. Bruggeman In view of our recent posts of the work of Calley and Casey Means and their connection with RFK, Jr. and DJT, We Are in the “Dead Cat Bounce” Phase—Juan O Savin August 26, 2024 107 & Red Pill & Current Events This podcast was hosted by Kelli Ann (Boatright) and Matt Geiger on August 23, 2024. I have not heard any of Kelli Ann’s work for years. I always Mystery Solved Concerning DHS “Domestic Terrorist Number 1,” Patrick Byrne August 21, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events Shortly after we had posted our blog on Tuesday, July 30, 2024, entitled Continuing Ed—Red Pill Course #701—Danger Close, a reader alerted us that SKM Offices Moving! August 20, 2024 Updates & Current Events Here we are in August of 2024. It seems like just yesterday when we were informed in late 2020 by the Babylonian Media (the BM, as we not Trump in Asheville Today—False Flag Coming Next Week? August 14, 2024 Current Events & Politics Yours truly will not be in downtown Asheville for the Trump rally today. Been there; done that. It is exciting to be at a Trump appearance. But I am From Camelot to Kamala, part 2 August 12, 2024 Politics & Current Events Peter Schweizer is a widely-known researcher and author who chronicles political corruption at the national level. He is an equal opportunity From Camelot to Kamala August 9, 2024 Politics & Current Events No doubt our readers realize that “Camelot” is a reference to the media-created image of the JFK administration. For our examination of the origins Special Note to ALL our Blog Readers August 8, 2024 Health & Current Events 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Dear Readers, I do not always My Annual Health Check-up and Big Brother’s Intrusion August 6, 2024 Health & Current Events I have paid taxes all my life and still do, so I have no shame about taking back via Medicare—given our horrible health care system where private Reclaiming Everything for Our Father and His Kingdom August 2, 2024 Current Events & Teachings Suddenly we (I) have many metaphorical fires to put out on this lovely Friday here in WNC (Western North Carolina). Which is to say that we only Observations on the Olympics, Kacklin’ Kamala and More July 29, 2024 Current Events & Politics As often happens, my plans to write on a particular topic get delayed as current events overtake (and often seem to overwhelm) us. Not complaining; Background Information on Alleged Trump Shooter, “Lee Harvey” Crooks July 26, 2024 Current Events & Trump We have not taken the time to “keep up” with all the information, misinformation, and disinformation surrounding the circumstances of the attempted The Phantom of the Operatic Climax—Nessun Dorma! July 23, 2024 Current Events & Trump We are very excited to have two podcasts to share with you! This despite the fact they came from Nino 🙄. Of course, it is the information Juan O Were Bush, Cheney, and Others Expecting the Assassination of DJT? July 19, 2024 Current Events & Trump The story from theGatewayPundit was headlined this way. (We inserted the word in brackets to make it say what we believe they meant to say.) Here How Conventions Work—James at the NCGOP Convention, part 2 July 16, 2024 Current Events & Politics This being the week of the Republican National Convention—about which we can opine much—we are choosing instead to perhaps help readers who are not Reflections on the Attempted Assassinations of President Trump and President Andrew Jackson July 15, 2024 Current Events & Trump & Politics Readers may recall that we blogged (more than once) months and years ago about how Trump sent many signals of his intent to drive out the The Milwaukee RNC and James at the NC Convention July 12, 2024 Current Events & Politics In a few days, the Republican National Convention (RNC) will commence in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Beginning on Sunday, July 14th, thousands of Former Biden Stenographer Claims Biden Blackmailed Obama with Threats of Exposing Former President’s Alleged Homosexual Affairs July 10, 2024 Current Events & Politics The political atmosphere is really churning up into a storm in full speed mode now as this story just surfaced in the Gateway Pundit. Hmmm…where Sunday Preparedness Drill July 8, 2024 Current Events Normally Sunday is my day of rest. I look forward to simply setting aside my regular duties and just simply rest. On the weekend of my monthly Did the Supreme Court Just Dispense a Death Blow to a Major Component of the Beast? July 3, 2024 Current Events & Politics Can you think of a handful of humble fishermen who lived about 2,000 years ago, whose work ultimately changed the course of human history? We cannot The Sting Continues—A Rosy Weekend June 28, 2024 Current Events & Politics After watching the debate last night, I stayed up until well after midnight watching the pundits on CNN and Newsmax—switching from one to the other, Civic Activities Report June 25, 2024 June 25, 2024 Current Events & Politics I have just returned to my office from our monthly Henderson County Republican Women’s Club luncheon meeting. Men are gladly received as Associate An Astonishing VP Choice “Forced” on Trump? June 11, 2024 Current Events & Politics Back in March this year when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his pick for his Vice-Presidential running mate, the Democrats panicked. He had picked Flying High Lately? Or is it too risky? June 10, 2024 Current Events & Articles No, we are not referring to using drugs, but to air travel. Have you flown on commercial airlines lately? I try to avoid it unless there is no 495,000 Sealed Indictments—Wa-a-a-ay more than normal! June 3, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events & Politics Remember, as Q often said, “you’re watching a show,” and Juan O Savin (Mr. 107) confirms it by sometimes telling listeners to “get your popcorn Trump found guilty! …of What? May 31, 2024 Current Events & Politics I write this on Friday, May 31, 2024—the day after the “wake-up call” to all America: the verdict finding Donald J. Trump guilty on 34 counts of… Have we talked about this weird “coincidence?” May 17, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill In the past week or so, the media suddenly learned (and told us all immediately) that Barron Trump had been selected to be a delegate to the Juan O Savin on how the Black Swan event is commencing with financial crises in Japan May 15, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & 107 Nino interviews/interrupts Juan an aggravating number of times as Juan holds forth from a boat off the coast of Japan. (But I am trying to remember Thunderball and No Time to Die-007 and 107 May 13, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events & 107 We begin with reference to our post last Friday concerning Juan O Savin’s discussion with James Grundvig, and how Mr. 107 casually mentioned a Taking a stand for godly government at the state level May 8, 2024 Current Events & Politics This past weekend, our long-time friends in Missouri, (names withheld) sent me a brief email mentioning their participation in state GOP activities. Devin Nunes—The Deep State Trying to Destroy TruthSocial Because it’s the People’s Voice—We Are Winning April 19, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & Deep State QUOTE: Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Social on how the A 360° Sunset! …and… April 10, 2024 Current Events In our area of western North Carolina, we expected to witness an 85% obscuration of the sun. But it was quite cloudy, so I did not take any shots. Does the Eclipse to Occur on Monday, April 8th, Have Prophetic Significance? April 5, 2024 Current Events We have received forwards/links and tips from a host of our readers about various people’s understanding of the spiritual significance of the A Tale of THREE States—and Counting… April 4, 2024 Current Events & Politics Yes! Not only are recent actions taken in the state of Tennessee something to encourage liberty-loving patriots—as we have outlined in our two A Tale of Two States, part 3 April 3, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill Okay, we’re busted 😎—because yesterday we titled the blog “part 2 of 2.” But since then, we have discovered more good news from the red state of A Tale of Two States, part 2 of 2 April 2, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill Yesterday’s blog was some bad news from a state where there are many wonderful people (including some of my family members), but their state A Tale of Two States April 1, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill War on food is spreading in U.S. through land-use restrictions, geoengineering and waves of propaganda I wish this were an April Fools’ Day spoof, RFK’s Weird Choice for a Running Mate March 29, 2024 Current Events & Politics Keep working locally, but grab your popcorn as we continue “watching the show” Eric Bolling on his Newsmax show, The Balance, on this past Wednesday Was the Baltimore Bridge Collapse a False Flag, a “Black Swan” Event? March 28, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill Gen. Michael Flynn, Mr. 107 (Juan O Savin), and others have said just such a thing would happen. Is this it? We have compiled this batch of stories With an Eye on the News… and Fani Willis March 27, 2024 Current Events & Politics In an interview clip shown on one of the Newsmax shows yesterday (can’t recall which one) we see Fulton County (Atlanta area) District Attorney Fani Uncensored—The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy March 26, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & Politics Our Mighty Network blogging platform does not allow content producers (me) to do a “scratch-through” of the text in a headline. If the MN formatting My name is Xi Jinping.... March 21, 2024 Articles & Current Events & China The author of the opinion piece below is Col. Ric Hunter, a retired U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with 27 years—and 4,000 hours—of high-performance Alina Habba – We are witnessing election interference at the highest level. March 19, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill We are glad that Trump has keen, top-tier professionals such as Alina Habba assisting him through the “lawfare” attempts to destroy him …and to Some of our readers’ local civic activities and my latest report March 18, 2024 Current Events & Politics In our blog posted March 6th on our Mighty Network platform we reported on the Rothschild banks, Mitch McConnell, plus part of our local Republican Juan O Savin—Because IT must be SAID March 15, 2024 Juan O Savin & Current Events & Red Pill This just in from our trusted correspondent in Georgia. I have not had time to watch it all yet, but will get to it this weekend. I did get past the A convenient death for Boeing - whistleblower dead by apparent suicide March 12, 2024 Current Events Decades ago, Sen. Henry “Scoop” Jackson (D-WA) had the nickname of being “the Senator from Boeing.” Boeing then had an enormous aircraft Speak out against vaccines, windmills, or electric vehicles and go to jail! March 11, 2024 Current Events & Politics That is what is now looming for all Americans who believe in the God-given and Constitutionally-recognized right to freedom of speech. The grinding Biden’s SOTU is the GOAT! Our autopsy of his speech. March 8, 2024 Current Events & Politics Yesterday morning, (P)resident Bytin took time out from his many days of preparation for his State of the Union (SOTU) speech to make what the Item 1 - Mr. 107 discussing the Rothschilds, Sen. McConnell, and much more. Item 2 - James (B.) sharing local activities. March 6, 2024 Current Events & 107 & Red Pill Upon the news of the recent death of Jacob Rothschild, James Grundvig begins this interview with Juan O Savin by showing a clip from German One Word to Destroy a Nation March 5, 2024 Current Events & Politics As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, here below is my brief address to the monthly luncheon of a neighboring county’s GOP monthly meeting. They had Miki Klann serves notice to Maricopa Board of Supervisors who RUN after being served March 4, 2024 Current Events & Politics (Non-clickable screenshot) Some of my bullet points: Is this how and why the masks suddenly came off? Winning is contagious! How our “rulers” oaths Lara Logan exposes corporate media-government collusion February 29, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill This is from Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack platform. QUOTE: [Notice: A threat to Freedom and the Republic; not a democracy!—JWB] ROBERT W MALONE MD, Health alert—Beware some breathing machines! February 28, 2024 Current Events & Health 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD Big Pharma’s antidepressants fraud and the semaglutide bioweapon February 27, 2024 Current Events & Health & Big Pharma Two stories today. QUOTE: By Joseph Mercola | 2/2/2024 | Updated: 2/2/2024 Health Viewpoints Medical journalist Robert Whitaker unravels a shocking The reason Juan is in Antarctica – Interviewed by Shemane (Mrs. Ted) Nugent February 21, 2024 Current Events & 107 & Juan O Savin & Red Pill Why is Iran now claiming to have a part of Antarctica? In our view it is to let the world know that they (Iran) know what is going on down there in Venom peptides in weight loss drugs, and nicotine in healing “Long COVID” February 20, 2024 Current Events & Health & COVID This is a very recent interview of Dr. Bryan Ardis by Mike Adams, aka, the Health Ranger. It may be as recent as a few days ago, possibly done on Get-Trump Persecutor Fani Willis in the witness box February 19, 2024 Current Events & Politics The Fulton Country, Georgia (metro Atlanta area) District Attorney, Fani Willis, made an biblically false assertion during her testimony last An interview we don’t want to miss - today February 8, 2024 Current Events & Politics One of our Mighty Network (MN) members gave us a heads-up on this: Tucker Carlson will be interviewing Vladimir Putin today at 6 p.m. EST. (Screen Honoring an unwilling veteran—me! February 7, 2024 Current Events If the adjective unwilling in the headline seems cryptic, you will understand as you read on. Last night, I had an unusual and impactful emotional Trump mentions Mike Gill's murder February 6, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Trump Mike Gill, who was in the Trump administration, and was shot by a supposed carjacker in D. C. last week has died of his wounds. In an interview last Tucker Carlson interview about massive illegal immigration through the Darien Gap February 2, 2024 Current Events & Immigration I just got back to the office and was planning to go online as usual to create and post a blog. Surprise!… no internet service. It’s been Kari Lake reveals how RINO chairman of Arizona GOP attempted to bribe her to drop out of Senate race February 1, 2024 Current Events & Politics We are regular viewers of Fox Business News’ Sunday Morning Futures program hosted by Maria Bartiromo. She has always been one of the best (most High level trafficking and financial whistleblower shot in D.C. January 31, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill As I turned on the news late this afternoon, I heard a breaking news story on Newsmax that is very relevant to all who are red pilled. Here is the The race is not to the Swift… January 30, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & X22 Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift… In a prophetic passage predicting judgment upon Egypt (the Defending your soul against deadly weapons of mass DISTRACTION January 26, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill In yesterday’s post, regarding Dr. Robert Malone’s column on Substack entitled “Cognitive Warfare—Targeting your Subconscious,” we closed our Hacking the human brain - the techno-psycho-war raging against our souls! January 25, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & Transhumanism The realm of the soul includes the mind, the will, and the emotions. The mind includes both the conscious and the subconscious levels. We explained Nikki Haley and the Comets (Her fake star is being extinguished!) January 23, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill As we watched Donald J. Trump’s speech last Saturday night at his rally in Manchester, NH, we scribbled a page full of notes. Were time not an Senator/Dr. Rand Paul has been vindicated—again—in his conflict with the “eminent Dr.” Fauci! January 19, 2024 Health & Politics & Current Events Here’s the headline: But you should know that the above headline is from a story in the conservative Washington Times—published on June 2, 2021 ! We Who is programming AI (Artificial Intelligence), Christians or godless antichrists? January 16, 2024 Current Events & AI There will be no doubt in your mind when you read the following article by Ethan Huff. It was published on the first day of this new year at We consumers are rejecting fake meat alternatives January 15, 2024 Current Events & Food & Health Paraphrasing the perfect Nazi type from central casting, the Darth Vaderesque head of the World Economic Forum (WEF), Klaus Schwab, as he is Kerry Cassidy and Mike Jaco discuss - Are White Hat operations and their front man Trump about to get left behind by We the People? January 13, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events The headline is misleading. We were expecting both of them to team up and cast a lot of bad comments toward attacking Juan O Savin. Turns out not to UFO and creature story for our collective (body of Christ) discernment January 9, 2024 UFOs & Current Events & Red Pill This came across our desk yesterday. The immediate source is the Rumor Mill News website, with which we have been familiar for probably about two The Unveiling and the Revealing in the Air, part 2 January 8, 2024 Current Events & Articles & Mystery Babylon Part 1 was posted last Thursday, January 4, 2024. Jeffrey Tucker’s essay was called Apocalypse in the Air. Mr. Tucker continued: QUOTE: It’s The Unveiling and the Revealing in the Air January 4, 2024 Current Events & Articles & Mystery Babylon In our efforts to continually be aware of current events in order to provide a biblical context—and therefore biblical hope (i.e., a certain “Mask up!”—four years after the edict of the eminent Dr. Fauci January 3, 2024 Health & Current Events I had a sad experience with a teen girl at one of our local supermarkets today. I had picked up eight or ten items and headed for one of the Zuckerbucks building a survivalist compound? January 2, 2024 Articles & Current Events It’s raising questions among many. Questions such as, what does Zuckerbucks know that we don’t? Every contractor and worker on the project is made New legislation would force Chick-fil-A to be open on Sundays December 26, 2023 Current Events & Politics NKJ 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Regular readers may have noticed Devin Nunes on X22—It Has Begun, The Message Was Sent, Obama Is Forcing Biden Out, Right On Schedule December 22, 2023 Current Events & X22 & Red Pill For this holiday weekend, we leave you with this interview of Devin Nunes, the former Californian Congressman who, under the Republican majority, December “Field Report” from James December 20, 2023 Current Events & Politics Yesterday was our monthly luncheon meeting of the Henderson County Republican Women’s Club, a week early due to the holidays. (See our blog for Juan O Savin discusses the real wealth of the USA (land and resources) being grabbed by the cabal via the stock market and AI December 13, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin QUOTE: Another shorty with some interesting new ideas. They try to power this through as Juan is going out of the CONUS. SCOTUS and the FED Courts 1. Lenin and the downfall of Russia 2. Tucker Carlson podcast December 12, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Articles Since I was teaching at my usual Tennessee-Georgia circuit (SK Fellowships) this past weekend, yesterday was a day of rest for me. I did not have Some of our local activities for your edification December 7, 2023 Current Events & Politics For purposes of inspiring all our readers, we wish to share good news from our local activities. (Hint: You can enjoy success also. We encourage you Tucker Carlson interviews Congressman Tim Burchett regarding his committee’s findings on UFOs November 30, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & UFOs One of our intrepid correspondents sent us a link earlier today with something he knew would pique our interest—and yours. He wrote: QUOTE: Hi, The deep state is running out of options. It had to be this way. November 29, 2023 Current Events & Deep State & Red Pill & X22 We know there are many in our audience who have almost given up hope that the wicked will ever be brought to justice. We certainly sympathize with MTG – DC Is Worse Than You Can Imagine, Swamp Runs Deep, Leverage Is Now Shifting November 27, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill As a regular observer of the work being done by our servants in the House and Senate in Washington, D. C., we can say with certitude that Marjorie Ivanka Trump's overhaul? November 21, 2023 Current Events That’s the headline in the UK’s Daily Mail online which was posted November 10th. The full story is at this link. Readers may want to take a look at Rural Michigan citizens getting informed and involved—and winning! November 20, 2023 Current Events & Politics —Yeah, go Michigan! Yep, that sincere cheer is from a staunch Buckeye football fan, yours truly. Why am I cheering Michigan, or at least the folks Trump-hating billionaire Bloomberg gives $500 Million to ‘Finish the Job on Coal’ November 15, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Energy Here are a few excerpts from a story in the Epoch Times dated November 5, 2023. All emphases and comments within [brackets] are ours. QUOTE: Many Did Mark Meadows, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis betray Donald Trump? November 14, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Trump As the cabal continues to go after President Trump in the four indictment cases, we have seen them also go after many in the upper echelons of Marjorie Taylor Greene resolution would officially declare war against 10 Mexican cartels November 13, 2023 Current Events & Politics Here are a few excerpts from this story without any comments by us except this one: Keep this one in your back pocket, Marjorie, because our friend More details on the views and values of the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson November 9, 2023 Current Events & Politics We shared with you previously (October 30, 2023) how encouraged we are by the election of Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson as the new Speaker of Grown-up ‘trans kid’ details horrors of trans surgeries November 7, 2023 Current Events & Health It is easy to condemn the “trans community.” The manifesto of the transgender shooter of nine people, children and adults, at the Nashville People are waking up to the scam of EVs November 3, 2023 Current Events & DOE & EVs In a follow-up to our post on Wednesday regarding the hypocritical pushing of electric vehicles (EVs) by former Michigan Governor and current head More Granholm grandstanding to grab your liberties November 1, 2023 Current Events & Politics & DOE The Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is at it again, this time targeting many more of your home appliances and labor-saving devices. Wow! Mike Johnson is the 45th (not the 118th) Speaker of the House! October 31, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill Yesterday, our blog discussed the background of the new Speaker of the House and why Mr. Johnson’s elevation to the post of Speaker is a very Our hope springs eternal—buoyed by the new Speaker of the House October 30, 2023 Current Events & Politics Remember when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House? Nasty Nancy had told many people that she would become President. Her plan was to fully embrace What to expect in the next 12-15 months—The quadrillion $ threat of the Deep State fraudsters October 27, 2023 Current Events & Red Pill & Deep State In this video German lawyer and “truther,” Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, interviews Peter Koenig. We have posted one or more interviews with/by Fuellmich Why would hospitals hide children’s medical information from parents? October 26, 2023 Current Events & Health Earlier this year, our North Carolina Republican-controlled House and Senate passed legislation “barring medical professionals from providing Why are the Rothschilds selling at auction numerous items from their centuries of collecting? October 25, 2023 Current Events & 107 & Juan O Savin & Rothschilds This brief video was evidently recorded last Thursday, October 19th. From the Juan O Savin Presentations website (whoever that is, and we shall not Big Food giant, Tyson, wants to feed you bugs October 24, 2023 Current Events While the plagues fall upon “Egypt,” Christians in “Goshen” should be informed and act accordingly. (Get to know your local farmers.) All emphases GOP House Speaker Candidate Tom Emmer’s ties to George Soros October 23, 2023 Current Events & Politics With Trump-endorsed Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan having failed on three attempts to become House Speaker, nine names are now popping up as potential “The military COVID shot mandate is dead.” October 12, 2023 Current Events & Health A dear friend/correspondent in Tennessee alerted us to this story. We would be very surprised if you hear about it anywhere on the Babylonian Media. Flynn/Clark – [WEF] Is Involved In The Border Invasion, The People Are Fighting Back, The [DS] Is Feeling The Pain October 10, 2023 X22 & Current Events & Politics This interview was posted on Dave “Episode’s” X22 Report site on October 7, 2023. At one point, Dave begins to bring up the military option, but Kash Patel explains where we are and what needs to be done by “we the people.” October 2, 2023 X22 & Current Events & Politics The House could use a 150-year-old law to arrest people. Will the Obama’s take the bait? California Senator Feinstein dead at 90 September 29, 2023 Politics & Current Events …or as we were informed by one of our Ohio correspondents earlier today: “Another one bites the dust Compiled from multiple web sources: QUOTE: The Have you seen my doppelganger? At least, name-wise, if not physically… August 16, 2023 Current Events & Fires And have you seen the pictures of the devastation from the fires in Maui, Hawaii? It looks horrendous! Some have speculated that DEWs are involved. Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill to allow illegal immigrants to become police officers and sheriff deputies August 2, 2023 Politics & Current Events & Law Enforcement The Mystery Babylonians seem to be going insane to such a degree that one might think the headline above is from the parody website, The Babylon They Called Him “King James” in the Basketball World August 1, 2023 Health & Current Events Too bad his basketball moniker does not apply to his off-court activities. Having played organized basketball until age 55, we, too, admired the Happy Birthday, Mr. President! June 14, 2023 Current Events & Trump Today is the 77th birthday of Donald John Trump (DJT). In the Bible, the number seven is associated with completion and perfection. Enjoy a double Concerning - Pedophilia among the Catholic Clergy. The WHO Pushing Abominations against Children June 5, 2023 Articles & Current Events The first story was brought to our attention by one of our correspondents in Ohio. We provide these short excerpts from a story by the Associated Testing Finds Genetically Modified and Sometimes Poisonous Lunches Served Daily in Schools May 11, 2023 Current Events & Health The following are excerpts from a report published by Moms Across America. Here are more reasons (1) to homeschool your kids, and (2) to get to know A Prelude about biblical “works” and the censure of Senator Tom Tillis (R-NC) March 27, 2023 Tom Tills & Politics & Current Events For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26) There is no conflict between what Paul taught and what Parents’ Bill of Rights—Don’t be deceived! It is a Trojan horse! March 8, 2023 Articles & Current Events & Education Some time ago, we heard the idea being floated in conservative circles that “with all the nonsense and worse going on now in public schools, what we Our grizzly mama bear addresses school board March 6, 2023 Current Events & Education An article in the January 25-31, 2023 print edition of the Epoch Times was entitled “Behind the public school exodus of 1.4 million children.” The Communist Chinese spy balloon goes over my house near Asheville and neighboring Henderson County February 6, 2023 China & Current Events & Media …And it went over the homes of millions more of our countrymen last week also. A close friend of ours (and former next-door neighbor) sent me this Diesel shortage alert for southeastern U.S. from Maryland to Alabama! October 31, 2022 Articles & Current Events This could easily and very rapidly cascade into all the other states in the USA, perhaps excepting Hawaii and Alaska. It is a very serious situation Canadians Rise Up & Refuse to Comply October 7, 2022 Current Events & Politics Readers will remember the patriotic Canadian truckers last winter who inspired thousands of other Canadian patriots—and patriots in America and Yom Kippur—Day of Atonement October 5, 2022 Current Events & Teaching Today is the Day of Atonement. Let us worship Yahweh, our Creator and our God, in spirit and in truth today (and every day). Here is His law for His Biden’s Dark Speech / Trump’s Hopeful Speech September 6, 2022 Politics & Current Events & Trump Last Thursday evening at 8 p.m., September 1, 2022, Joe Bidan (misspelling deliberate) gave a speech in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Texas and Wisconsin Conservatives Mobilize August 31, 2022 Current Events & Politics & Elections Here are three stories from the Epoch Times about the battles in Texas and Wisconsin to reassert Christian values and Constitutional principles in 27-Year-Old High School Varsity Basketball Coach “Dies Unexpectedly” of Cardiac Arrest August 19, 2022 Current Events & Health & Vaccinations & Vaxxed Are you thinking what we are thinking? Yes, wondering if the young man had received the jab? I would think it would be quite likely. But in the Were Congresswoman Jackie Walorski and actress Anne Heche murdered? August 16, 2022 Current Events & Trafficking When we heard the tragic news of Indiana Rep. Jackie Walorski’s death in an automobile accident on August 3rd, we looked at several accounts of the Ron DeSantis - ‘Florida Has Put WOKE Banking on Notice’ August 11, 2022 Articles & Current Events & Woke If we judge by the fruit, Ron DeSantis is one of few truly patriotic and Constitution-loving national figures taking on the behemoth Big Everything. Lightning Strike Outside White House Kills Two—Divine Sign Language? August 5, 2022 Current Events & Sign Lanugage Early this morning we found this story on our DailyWire feed (thanks to our dear sister who bought us a one-year subscription to this online news Will Americans mask up for monkey pox? July 27, 2022 Current Events & Health (Just in time for the mid-term elections?) We hope not! By now, we hope the majority of Americans have seen through (pun intended) all the holes in The Mysterious Death of Ivana Trump July 26, 2022 Ivana Trump & Ivana & Trump & Current Events Our readers are fully aware that we are in a world war for the fate of freedom for unknown centuries into the future. This war has been going on for Biden says “terminate the presidency” !? July 11, 2022 Current Events & Politics Ugh! Many internet news outlets are shaking their heads at Biden’s latest gaffe—or was it deliberate? Was he instructed to have that slip of the Completely Destroyed! Georgia Guidestones, part 2 - This is “monumental!” July 7, 2022 Current Events & Mystery Babylon Here is more concerning the Georgia Guidestones (GG) monument—which is now completely gone! This video (10 seconds long—scroll down) has what they Georgia Guidestones partly destroyed! July 6, 2022 Current Events & Mystery Babylon A few minutes ago, our close friend, Kevin (“the voice” …the announcer on our CD lectures), texted me with a photo of the partly destroyed Get Woke, Go Broke: Bed Bath & Beyond Turns off AC June 30, 2022 Current Events & Woke Or as we have stated it to companies pandering to, or leading the Leftist putsch for “wokism,” “You go woke, you go broke!” I quit shopping at BBBY Fauci Says U.S. ‘Pandemic Phase’ Is Over April 27, 2022 Health & COVID & Current Events Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared on the PBS News Hour with Judy Woodruff. Here is the story as it appeared on the PBS News Hour website. Here is a more Independent American reporter in Ukraine contradicts BM April 5, 2022 Current Events & Media A friend from Colorado sent us this link. Some of these introductory comments are his, but I have added substantially to it. It runs about 23 Biden eats pizza with US soldiers in Poland March 25, 2022 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill Story from Independent News (from the UK): QUOTE: President Biden sat down to eat pizza with troops from the 82nd Airborne division, after landing Some of the Most Popular 'Ukraine Footage' is Actually a Video Game March 11, 2022 Ukraine & Current Events & Fake News Here is visual proof of the fake news being fake. This has been going on for very long time. More on that some other time. I have seen this alleged CDC Finally Admits Cloth Masks Were Always Political Theater March 3, 2022 Health & COVID & Current Events (Suddenly—no masks!) Just in time for Joe Biden’s State of the Union address/debacle, came the discovery by the CDC that masks are no longer UK Joins US, EU in Sanctioning Russia’s Central Bank March 1, 2022 Current Events We had heard from internet sources (non-MSM, non-BM) perhaps five or six years ago that Putin had kicked the Rothschild’s and their central bank out Trudeau Backs Down After Banks Scream about Massive Withdrawals February 25, 2022 Current Events & Politics Remember when Canadian Prime Minister Justin “Castro” Trudeau declared a national state of emergency (the Emergencies Act) just a few days ago as he Both science and public health are broken February 17, 2022 Current Events & Health & Science As I began to put this post together, I began searching for where I had previously posted about Dr. Kulldorff and the Great Barrington Declaration. Andrea Bocelli’s tribute to his mother October 3, 2021 Current Events With all the alarming news coming forth in a flood these days, let us turn to something beautiful. Do you like opera music? If not, it might be Is Queen Elizabeth II the true and legitimate queen? June 3, 2020 Current Events Want to play a game of musical chairs? Or how about a game of thrones? (Yes, that is a deliberate allusion to the made-for-TV series of that name.)