Here is more concerning the Georgia Guidestones (GG) monument—which is now completely gone! This video (10 seconds long—scroll down) has what they report to be the official surveillance video released by the GBI.
We in this office saw the surveillance video yesterday but we did not include it in yesterday’s blog, although any reader who did a bit of web searching could find it.
Notice in the video that
the existing yard light at the site (to the left of the stones) flashes very brightly when the explosion hits the stones. Wonder how that could happen?!
Notice also there were at least two surveillance cameras in operation, which is obvious from this video, because after the strike, the scene immediately cuts to another camera angle.
During my visit there, I had only noticed one surveillance camera, as noted in my blog yesterday which links to my full report and commentary in my blog dated December 1, 2021.
Why did the driver not drive on the road? Did he/she think they would avoid the camera in that way? Stupid, stupid! So, can we conclude from this that it was not a “random” lightning strike from God? Can we also conclude that it was not a targeted strike from an airborne or space-based DEW (Directed Energy Weapon)?
Pending further information, we believe those to be reasonable conclusions. So, now we await the arrest of the “person(s) of interest.”
Here is a separate link to the same story which we recommend you read/watch, about Ms. Taylor, including a video in her own words. She does not sound like a “nut job” to me. More like a concerned and activist Christian woman!
So, why be in such a hurry to demolish it? Seems like that would possibly destroy potentially valuable evidence of how the explosion was carried out. This leaves the false flag option still a viable theory for who the perps were.
The idea that the GG message was directed to a post-apocalyptic planet when only that many (half a billion people) are left is preposterous on its face. The Mystery Babylonians have been telling us—etched in granite here—for 42 years of their plans for culling the herd of humanity. “But it was great for local tourism…” Good heavens, people, WAKE UP!!
And no, I do not think this has anything to do with the stone striking the feet of the image in Nebuchadnezzar’s vision in Daniel 2:35, part of which is this ministry’s flagship verse: “..and the stone that smote the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.”
Here are two humorous memes which speak for themselves. Enjoy!
(We don’t know who gets the credit for this very cleverly-constructed meme, but it features the famous photo of a weeping AOC–I believe she was at the US-Mexican border…with her pretend tears for the photo op. Hilarious!)