
Trump and Devin Nunes Continue Fulfilling Bible Prophecy

Decades ago, we came to the conclusion—based on common sense applied to a study of Bible prophecy—that two major events needed to occur in order for the global empire of Mystery Babylon to be scattered to the winds as per Daniel 2:35.

These two events are the removal of the private central bank money system (known in the USA as the Federal Reserve System), and concomitantly the elimination of the Babylonian Media (the BM). We have taught on both of those entities in great detail in our various Bible lecture series.

Trump’s continual labelling of the BM as the fake news” is continuing to do its work. It is now becoming apparent that the legacy media are losing their viewers, readers, listeners in massive numbers. For example, many podcasters have larger audiences by far than CNN has.

The internet is a tool that the BM intended to use to continue to bind the American people into a total surveillance civilization; i.e., further mind-controlling us and thus further enslaving us.

They did not expect that the internet would be the very tool of their demise. In the right hands, the internet can be an extraordinarily powerful tool to destroy the wicked ones (metaphorically, the black hats).

That is exactly what is happening from a Bible prophecy perspective as we have detailed in our audio lecture series, The Kingdom of God, and using parts of it in our series of blogs, beginning June 20, 2023, with the one entitled, The Great Voice of Mystery Babylon, linked here.

Great Voice” is the Bible term which we interpret to be today’s Big Media/Big Tech. These are (some of) the giants” now in our American Promised Land, which our Father is now in the process of ridding from His Kingdom!

A recent podcast on X22 with Dave Episode” interviewing Devin Nunes is an encouraging update on the progress which Devin and Trump Media have been making in the build-out of an alternative to the BM.

It is only common sense that before the present system collapses completely there must be a better alternative in place, lest our entire society and civilization collapse into anarchy.

Dave Episode” describes the podcast. QUOTE:

Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Social on how they launched their streaming service. The new streaming service will allow content creators to have a home when they are removed from other platforms. END QUOTE

Emphasis mine. We at SKM plan to make use of both Truth Social and X (formerly Twitter) as time and resources permit. We greatly appreciate the fact that Trump and Nunes have created entirely independent alternative platforms. (“alternative” meaning wholly independent of Big Media and Big Tech).

Let me explain. Many other alternative platforms, podcasts, etc. are alternative in the sense that they present information, perspectives, opinions, etc. that are contrary to the propaganda being pushed as news” by the BM (Babylonian Media or Big Media) in conjunction with Big Tech (BT).

However, most alternatives” are not yet completely independent because their content still is dependent upon the Big Tech platforms on which their information resides.

For example, AWS (Amazon Web Services) owns/controls massive server farms on which a large percentage of internet content resides. Google, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook/Instagram, Intel and other BT giants are also major players. Not to mention, the NSA and the rest of the governmental alphabet agencies, CIA, FBI, etc.

(Photo from Wikipedia. The NSA data center in Utah.)

Together they comprise a very large chunk of the data centers/server farms which the Joe Rogans, the Tucker Carlsons and almost all other web-based influencers” have their programs hosted (served).

Therefore, they (and we) are not really completely independent. But that is exactly what Trump has enlisted Devin Nunes to do: build facilities completely independent of BM and BT.

On a personal note, my late son, David, knew all about those massive server farms. Throughout his career, he and I could speak for hours on shop talk” because I had been a general contractor and we (Bruggeman Construction) got him his start in the electrical business by arranging for him to apprentice with our favorite son” electrical subcontractor in Palm Beach County, Florida.

In the late 1980s or early 90s (I cannot recall exactly) he became the youngest person ever to obtain a NC state electrical contractor’s license by passing the rigorous state exam. I was always so very proud of his accomplishments.

While I am not an electrician by trade, I could also relate to his career because I had received over 1300 hours of electronics training in the US Air Force tech school at Keesler AFB, Biloxi, Mississippi in 1969.

At one point a few years before David died, when I attempted to talk shop” with him, he strangely clammed up and did not want to talk about his work. This was during the COVID crisis and so I surmised it might have something to do with that.

It had nothing to do with that. Later, he gave me this cap.

(Photo by James Bruggeman)

I asked him what the TLK stood for. He answered, Taylor Lake. (There are two bodies of water in Oregon by that name.) He explained the connection.

That is where I’ve been working the past two (?) years.”

I am not sure how long that job lasted, but he went on to say that in order to get the job he had to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement). That is why he clammed up.

If he were to break his pledge not to talk about it, he would lose his job (and probably be blackballed from working major jobs henceforth). So he could not reveal what the job was, where it was located, or who it was for, etc.

Once it was done, however, he told me that it was a massive data center for Google. Here is an aerial view (ironically, probably from Google’s satellite imagery).

(Aerial view of the Google Data Center at The Dalles, Oregon. The black on the right is the Columbia River. Just north of Chenoweth Creek (about 1/3 mi) lies Taylor Lake. Fair use allowed for copyrighted photos. Screen grab.)

He shared with me how massive it was. The center building in the photo above is about 200 feet wide and about 600 feet (two football fields) long. It was several stories high (but each story was 30 feet high to allow for proper cooling and ventilating. They consume massive amounts of electricity.

David told me there were about 400 (!) electricians on the job. As the job gradually wound down and electricians were laid off, David’s crew of four was the last one to be let go. Yes, he was a very sharp and talented electrician.

He immediately found work on the west side of Portland, Oregon, doing a similar job for Intel. They had no requirement for an NDA. Why Google required an NDA is puzzling in view of the following:

QUOTE: The location of the server farm of a company is often kept a secret from its clients, a necessary measure to ensure their security, given that they are home to a large pool of confidential data.

However, in 2012, Google broke this tradition by not only revealing the location of 8 of its data centers, but also inviting the press for an exclusive look. Other Internet superpowers like Facebook and Microsoft soon followed suit. END QUOTE SOURCE

Perhaps Google only wanted to cause their competitors to reveal their locations and then by 2019-2021, the Google god decided to try to keep their TLK facility a secret. That seems silly and futile to me because you cannot keep a huge facility like that a secret.

Everyone in the Dalles community probably knew what it was within weeks after groundbreaking, if not sooner. After all, they would need sign-offs from the local government’s planning and zoning board, the county commissioners, and probably state authorities as well.

Here is a further description of this podcast. QUOTE:

Devin has stopped the [DS] from manipulating the stock and now the stock is rising. Devin says that Kash is a good pick for FBI and we will bring accountability.

Devin then transitions the conversation into his wine that he produces. In the end we will celebrate the destruction of the [DS] with wine. END QUOTE

Emphasis mine. Again, we have discussed the following extensively in our Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom lecture series.

Revelation 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

2 With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

Yes, the wine” of Mystery Babylon is coming to an end and will be supplanted by the saints of the Most High God enjoying wine with the King of kings, who said:

But I say unto you, I will not drink henceforth of this fruit of the vine, until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom. Matthew 26:29

This X22 podcast was released December 22, 2024. It is 50:15 long; however, the first several minutes are intro music and commercials. Then, at approximately the 33:30 minute mark, the remainder is a discussion of Devin’s California wines.

Here is the link to

Devin Nunes — Truth Social Gets An Upgrade, We Will Celebrate The Destruction Of The [DS] With Wine”


(Screen grab)


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