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Voting Early October 21, 2024 Current Events & Politics It is getting late in the afternoon, so I only have time for a brief report. It consumed the better part of my working day just to get my early vote SGAnon w/ Nino re October Surprise. Important Perspectives On What's Coming September 25, 2024 Red Pill & Politics We are still in the thick of moving our offices. Thus, my time to prepare original and strictly Bible study blogs is extremely limited. But after The Cabalistas Reveal Their Election Plans September 24, 2024 Red Pill & Politics If you have read yesterday’s blog regarding Patrick Byrne’s book and precisely how the DS (Deep State) commits election fraud, then you will better Danger Close—Analysis of How the 2020 Election Was Rigged September 23, 2024 Red Pill & Politics Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. In recent weeks we have Juan O Savin in Two Short Interviews Regarding Arizona Election Fraud September 20, 2024 Red Pill & Politics Thanks to our several correspondents around the country who are alerting us to these and other intriguing videos. This alert came from our friend in Speech by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Announcing the Suspension of His Campaign for President August 29, 2024 Current Events & Politics Preliminary comments by Dr. Bruggeman In view of our recent posts of the work of Calley and Casey Means and their connection with RFK, Jr. and DJT, Trump in Asheville Today—False Flag Coming Next Week? August 14, 2024 Current Events & Politics Yours truly will not be in downtown Asheville for the Trump rally today. Been there; done that. It is exciting to be at a Trump appearance. But I am From Camelot to Kamala, part 2 August 12, 2024 Politics & Current Events Peter Schweizer is a widely-known researcher and author who chronicles political corruption at the national level. He is an equal opportunity From Camelot to Kamala August 9, 2024 Politics & Current Events No doubt our readers realize that “Camelot” is a reference to the media-created image of the JFK administration. For our examination of the origins Observations on the Olympics, Kacklin’ Kamala and More July 29, 2024 Current Events & Politics As often happens, my plans to write on a particular topic get delayed as current events overtake (and often seem to overwhelm) us. Not complaining; How Conventions Work—James at the NCGOP Convention, part 2 July 16, 2024 Current Events & Politics This being the week of the Republican National Convention—about which we can opine much—we are choosing instead to perhaps help readers who are not Reflections on the Attempted Assassinations of President Trump and President Andrew Jackson July 15, 2024 Current Events & Trump & Politics Readers may recall that we blogged (more than once) months and years ago about how Trump sent many signals of his intent to drive out the The Milwaukee RNC and James at the NC Convention July 12, 2024 Current Events & Politics In a few days, the Republican National Convention (RNC) will commence in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Beginning on Sunday, July 14th, thousands of Former Biden Stenographer Claims Biden Blackmailed Obama with Threats of Exposing Former President’s Alleged Homosexual Affairs July 10, 2024 Current Events & Politics The political atmosphere is really churning up into a storm in full speed mode now as this story just surfaced in the Gateway Pundit. Hmmm…where Did the Supreme Court Just Dispense a Death Blow to a Major Component of the Beast? July 3, 2024 Current Events & Politics Can you think of a handful of humble fishermen who lived about 2,000 years ago, whose work ultimately changed the course of human history? We cannot The Sting Continues—A Rosy Weekend June 28, 2024 Current Events & Politics After watching the debate last night, I stayed up until well after midnight watching the pundits on CNN and Newsmax—switching from one to the other, Civic Activities Report June 25, 2024 June 25, 2024 Current Events & Politics I have just returned to my office from our monthly Henderson County Republican Women’s Club luncheon meeting. Men are gladly received as Associate “…a Threat to Our Democracy!” June 19, 2024 Politics & Teaching Ephesians 6:10 Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. 11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to An Astonishing VP Choice “Forced” on Trump? June 11, 2024 Current Events & Politics Back in March this year when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced his pick for his Vice-Presidential running mate, the Democrats panicked. He had picked Brunson Brothers Case Update re 2020 Election Results June 7, 2024 Politics & SCOTUS Remember this case? The four trumpet-playing brothers from Utah? Their case against hundreds of federal and other public officials ended up in the 495,000 Sealed Indictments—Wa-a-a-ay more than normal! June 3, 2024 Red Pill & Current Events & Politics Remember, as Q often said, “you’re watching a show,” and Juan O Savin (Mr. 107) confirms it by sometimes telling listeners to “get your popcorn Trump found guilty! …of What? May 31, 2024 Current Events & Politics I write this on Friday, May 31, 2024—the day after the “wake-up call” to all America: the verdict finding Donald J. Trump guilty on 34 counts of… Taking a stand for godly government at the state level May 8, 2024 Current Events & Politics This past weekend, our long-time friends in Missouri, (names withheld) sent me a brief email mentioning their participation in state GOP activities. Kash Patel – The House is too Rotten. It Must be Cleaned, Trump Can Drain the Swamp May 1, 2024 Politics & Red Pill & X22 This is very fresh; just posted today. Kash gives clarity to many of the events happening daily, including the cabal-funded protests on college Will the U.S. Presidential Election Actually Occur on Time? A Juan O Savin Dialogue April 8, 2024 Politics & 107 & Juan O Savin Mel Carmine on the mainland interviews Juan O Savin and Tina Peters as they are sitting at the shore in Hawaii. Here are a few short excerpts which A Tale of THREE States—and Counting… April 4, 2024 Current Events & Politics Yes! Not only are recent actions taken in the state of Tennessee something to encourage liberty-loving patriots—as we have outlined in our two RFK’s Weird Choice for a Running Mate March 29, 2024 Current Events & Politics Keep working locally, but grab your popcorn as we continue “watching the show” Eric Bolling on his Newsmax show, The Balance, on this past Wednesday With an Eye on the News… and Fani Willis March 27, 2024 Current Events & Politics In an interview clip shown on one of the Newsmax shows yesterday (can’t recall which one) we see Fulton County (Atlanta area) District Attorney Fani Uncensored—The National Security State & the Inversion of Democracy March 26, 2024 Current Events & Red Pill & Politics Our Mighty Network blogging platform does not allow content producers (me) to do a “scratch-through” of the text in a headline. If the MN formatting Alina Habba – We are witnessing election interference at the highest level. March 19, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill We are glad that Trump has keen, top-tier professionals such as Alina Habba assisting him through the “lawfare” attempts to destroy him …and to Some of our readers’ local civic activities and my latest report March 18, 2024 Current Events & Politics In our blog posted March 6th on our Mighty Network platform we reported on the Rothschild banks, Mitch McConnell, plus part of our local Republican Tina Peters & 107—Undeniable Proof—How They Stole The 2020 Election March 14, 2024 Politics & Red Pill & 107 & Juan O Savin Juan is on the show for only the first few minutes setting the stage for Tina. We ourselves (and we are sure that many of our readers) have been Speak out against vaccines, windmills, or electric vehicles and go to jail! March 11, 2024 Current Events & Politics That is what is now looming for all Americans who believe in the God-given and Constitutionally-recognized right to freedom of speech. The grinding Biden’s SOTU is the GOAT! Our autopsy of his speech. March 8, 2024 Current Events & Politics Yesterday morning, (P)resident Bytin took time out from his many days of preparation for his State of the Union (SOTU) speech to make what the One Word to Destroy a Nation March 5, 2024 Current Events & Politics As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog, here below is my brief address to the monthly luncheon of a neighboring county’s GOP monthly meeting. They had Miki Klann serves notice to Maricopa Board of Supervisors who RUN after being served March 4, 2024 Current Events & Politics (Non-clickable screenshot) Some of my bullet points: Is this how and why the masks suddenly came off? Winning is contagious! How our “rulers” oaths Get-Trump Persecutor Fani Willis in the witness box February 19, 2024 Current Events & Politics The Fulton Country, Georgia (metro Atlanta area) District Attorney, Fani Willis, made an biblically false assertion during her testimony last The Truth about Ukraine - Col Douglas Macgregor February 15, 2024 Politics & Red Pill We are still able to keep up with reading almost all the comments of our readers on our Mighty Network (MN) platform, but we quickly add that Who really won the 2020 election? February 14, 2024 Politics & Red Pill This morning, we found a video in our Epoch Times online edition, posted yesterday, which is available only to subscribers. However, not to worry, An interview we don’t want to miss - today February 8, 2024 Current Events & Politics One of our Mighty Network (MN) members gave us a heads-up on this: Tucker Carlson will be interviewing Vladimir Putin today at 6 p.m. EST. (Screen Trump mentions Mike Gill's murder February 6, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Trump Mike Gill, who was in the Trump administration, and was shot by a supposed carjacker in D. C. last week has died of his wounds. In an interview last Kari Lake reveals how RINO chairman of Arizona GOP attempted to bribe her to drop out of Senate race February 1, 2024 Current Events & Politics We are regular viewers of Fox Business News’ Sunday Morning Futures program hosted by Maria Bartiromo. She has always been one of the best (most Nikki Haley and the Comets (Her fake star is being extinguished!) January 23, 2024 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill As we watched Donald J. Trump’s speech last Saturday night at his rally in Manchester, NH, we scribbled a page full of notes. Were time not an Senator/Dr. Rand Paul has been vindicated—again—in his conflict with the “eminent Dr.” Fauci! January 19, 2024 Health & Politics & Current Events Here’s the headline: But you should know that the above headline is from a story in the conservative Washington Times—published on June 2, 2021 ! We John McCain’s Mob Connections January 17, 2024 Red Pill & Politics & Q We met the author, Michael Collins Piper, many years ago—it may have been back in the late 1980s when he was still with the Spotlight newspaper. New legislation would force Chick-fil-A to be open on Sundays December 26, 2023 Current Events & Politics NKJ 3 John 1:2 Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. Regular readers may have noticed December “Field Report” from James December 20, 2023 Current Events & Politics Yesterday was our monthly luncheon meeting of the Henderson County Republican Women’s Club, a week early due to the holidays. (See our blog for Missing facts about Lenin December 14, 2023 History & Politics & Articles This past Tuesday, we posted a blog with two separate topics: one dealing with the communist dictator, Lenin, and the other an interview of Alex 1. Lenin and the downfall of Russia 2. Tucker Carlson podcast December 12, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Articles Since I was teaching at my usual Tennessee-Georgia circuit (SK Fellowships) this past weekend, yesterday was a day of rest for me. I did not have Some of our local activities for your edification December 7, 2023 Current Events & Politics For purposes of inspiring all our readers, we wish to share good news from our local activities. (Hint: You can enjoy success also. We encourage you MTG – DC Is Worse Than You Can Imagine, Swamp Runs Deep, Leverage Is Now Shifting November 27, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill As a regular observer of the work being done by our servants in the House and Senate in Washington, D. C., we can say with certitude that Marjorie Rural Michigan citizens getting informed and involved—and winning! November 20, 2023 Current Events & Politics —Yeah, go Michigan! Yep, that sincere cheer is from a staunch Buckeye football fan, yours truly. Why am I cheering Michigan, or at least the folks Trump-hating billionaire Bloomberg gives $500 Million to ‘Finish the Job on Coal’ November 15, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Energy Here are a few excerpts from a story in the Epoch Times dated November 5, 2023. All emphases and comments within [brackets] are ours. QUOTE: Many Did Mark Meadows, Sidney Powell and Jenna Ellis betray Donald Trump? November 14, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Trump As the cabal continues to go after President Trump in the four indictment cases, we have seen them also go after many in the upper echelons of Marjorie Taylor Greene resolution would officially declare war against 10 Mexican cartels November 13, 2023 Current Events & Politics Here are a few excerpts from this story without any comments by us except this one: Keep this one in your back pocket, Marjorie, because our friend More details on the views and values of the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson November 9, 2023 Current Events & Politics We shared with you previously (October 30, 2023) how encouraged we are by the election of Louisiana Congressman Mike Johnson as the new Speaker of More Granholm grandstanding to grab your liberties November 1, 2023 Current Events & Politics & DOE The Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm is at it again, this time targeting many more of your home appliances and labor-saving devices. Wow! Mike Johnson is the 45th (not the 118th) Speaker of the House! October 31, 2023 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill Yesterday, our blog discussed the background of the new Speaker of the House and why Mr. Johnson’s elevation to the post of Speaker is a very Our hope springs eternal—buoyed by the new Speaker of the House October 30, 2023 Current Events & Politics Remember when Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of the House? Nasty Nancy had told many people that she would become President. Her plan was to fully embrace GOP House Speaker Candidate Tom Emmer’s ties to George Soros October 23, 2023 Current Events & Politics With Trump-endorsed Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan having failed on three attempts to become House Speaker, nine names are now popping up as potential Flynn/Clark – [WEF] Is Involved In The Border Invasion, The People Are Fighting Back, The [DS] Is Feeling The Pain October 10, 2023 X22 & Current Events & Politics This interview was posted on Dave “Episode’s” X22 Report site on October 7, 2023. At one point, Dave begins to bring up the military option, but Juan O Savin—Election fraud analysis, semaphore October 9, 2023 107 & Juan O Savin & Politics When Trump was queried regarding becoming Speaker of the House (second in line for the Presidency), he replied [paraphrased] “If they ask me, I Kash Patel explains where we are and what needs to be done by “we the people.” October 2, 2023 X22 & Current Events & Politics The House could use a 150-year-old law to arrest people. Will the Obama’s take the bait? California Senator Feinstein dead at 90 September 29, 2023 Politics & Current Events …or as we were informed by one of our Ohio correspondents earlier today: “Another one bites the dust Compiled from multiple web sources: QUOTE: The Juanito — “5 Months To Defeat Biden?” September 28, 2023 107 & Juan O Savin & Red Pill & Politics As we had hoped for, here is a short interview with Juan O Savin weighing in with his opinion on the meaning of Trump’s deliberate (or was it a James’ Health Update and Meeting Report August 22, 2023 Updates & Health & Politics I have had no further episodes of a gallstone attack since Sunday night. I have been on a water-only fast since Sunday evening. I even went to a Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes eviscerates British TV news hosts with Truth bombs! August 8, 2023 Politics & Red Pill & Trump Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes is an American expatriate living in Great Britain and is an activist in Republicans Overseas. She was part of Trump’s Illinois Gov. Pritzker signs bill to allow illegal immigrants to become police officers and sheriff deputies August 2, 2023 Politics & Current Events & Law Enforcement The Mystery Babylonians seem to be going insane to such a degree that one might think the headline above is from the parody website, The Babylon Our Constitutional Minute July 25, 2023 Constitution & Politics & Local In one of the local Republican clubs to which I belong, I volunteered to be a member of the Constitution Committee. One of the duties which we three Why Does RFK, Jr. “talk funny?” July 18, 2023 RFK & Politics As Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. becomes more widely known to voters (as if the Kennedy name were not enough), many people hearing him speak for the first Lunch with Hogan Gidley June 28, 2023 Politics & AFPI & Hogan Gidley Yesterday, I had lunch with Hogan Gidley… [I am grinning] along with about 175 other people. (Hogan Gidley. Photo by James Bruggeman) The following A Prelude about biblical “works” and the censure of Senator Tom Tillis (R-NC) March 27, 2023 Tom Tills & Politics & Current Events For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. (James 2:26) There is no conflict between what Paul taught and what The “Free Market Warrior” speaks January 25, 2023 Government & Politics & Community Yesterday we attended a local Republican luncheon meeting. It was well attended—about 75 were gathered to hear briefly from some local government Good Government Starts in our Marriages Minds and Communities January 19, 2023 Government & Politics & Community Here is a question to pose to friends and associates, but you would probably want to put the question in a gentler manner if you are doing it Our local activities—which have national implications January 10, 2023 Politics & NC & Supreme Court Note: Although we write here of our own personal experiences and the situation in our own state of North Carolina, it is likely to be instructive to The Brunson brothers’ SCOTUS case—What a God thing! November 29, 2022 Politics & Elections & SCOTUS This is SO exciting!!! (And encouraging!) (Non-clickable screenshot; Loy Brunson in upper left. Mr. 107’s “Trump as matador” jacket and painting in Juan O Savin Drops a BOMBSHELL! November 28, 2022 Politics & Elections & 107 One of the downsides of this wonderful tool called the internet is having to spend time sorting through the ubiquity of click bait to find the Voter Integrity Group Delivers Demand Letter to BCBOE October 28, 2022 Politics & Election With an early evening event to attend today, we must forego our own personal (i.e., JWB’s) report of similar activities this past week. Although we NCEIT (pronounced In’-sight) October 21, 2022 Politics & Election & NCEIT A couple months ago—give or take—we attended an all-day seminar sponsored by NCEIT (North Carolina Election Integrity Team). There were over 150 Jan. 6 Committee Votes to Subpoena Trump October 14, 2022 Articles & Politics & Election & Trump Anyone who thinks that Donald J. Trump did not foresee this possibility is simply not paying attention. We not only believe DJT (and the white hat Canadians Rise Up & Refuse to Comply October 7, 2022 Current Events & Politics Readers will remember the patriotic Canadian truckers last winter who inspired thousands of other Canadian patriots—and patriots in America and My Unbelievable Interview with Biden! September 26, 2022 Humor & Politics Here are two short videos by political humorist JP Fearless dedication needed by elected officials to help return America to God! September 8, 2022 Politics & Government Here are a few excerpts from a story to illustrate the point of our blog title. All *emphases* are mine, as are all comments in [brackets]. QUOTE: Biden’s Dark Speech / Trump’s Hopeful Speech September 6, 2022 Politics & Current Events & Trump Last Thursday evening at 8 p.m., September 1, 2022, Joe Bidan (misspelling deliberate) gave a speech in front of Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Texas and Wisconsin Conservatives Mobilize August 31, 2022 Current Events & Politics & Elections Here are three stories from the Epoch Times about the battles in Texas and Wisconsin to reassert Christian values and Constitutional principles in “Your Spirit irritates their demons!” August 12, 2022 Articles & Politics Here is a column by a local, conservative Republican whom I met back in the early 1990s, although he probably would not remember me now. For a time, Biden says “terminate the presidency” !? July 11, 2022 Current Events & Politics Ugh! Many internet news outlets are shaking their heads at Biden’s latest gaffe—or was it deliberate? Was he instructed to have that slip of the Mules tracked to NGOs July 5, 2022 Elections & Politics & NGOs & Mules QUOTE: Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote tracked the cheaters in the 2020 election. Catherine begins the conversation explaining why and how Biden eats pizza with US soldiers in Poland March 25, 2022 Current Events & Politics & Red Pill Story from Independent News (from the UK): QUOTE: President Biden sat down to eat pizza with troops from the 82nd Airborne division, after landing Seventeen Congressmen file lawsuit against CDC March 16, 2022 Health & Politics & COVID March 14, 2022 This comes from a news release from Congressman Massie’s office. Emphasis mine—JWB. QUOTE: Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) is Trudeau Backs Down After Banks Scream about Massive Withdrawals February 25, 2022 Current Events & Politics Remember when Canadian Prime Minister Justin “Castro” Trudeau declared a national state of emergency (the Emergencies Act) just a few days ago as he Chapter 1 - Politics and Religion, Part 3 February 12, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Politics & Teaching Where we left off, I was recounting some of my experiences with the John Birch Society (JBS). Just a little bit more of my personal history as I Chapter 1 - Let's Talk Politics and Religion, Part 2 January 31, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Politics & Teaching Let us continue our analysis of the widely accepted version of the political spectrum. We discussed the left wing in the previous blog. Now let’s Chapter 1 - Let's Talk Politics and Religion, Part 1 January 24, 2020 MBSK & Mystery Babylon & Politics & Teaching In my first blog for this year of 2020 I stated that since I do not have the time nor the resources in money or staff to get my lectures turned into Who is George Soros? January 17, 2020 Red Pill & Politics In some of my Bible lectures over the years, I have mentioned the name of George Soros and I have shown some of the fruit of his machinations in the