
Trudeau Backs Down After Banks Scream about Massive Withdrawals

Remember when Canadian Prime Minister Justin Castro” Trudeau declared a national state of emergency (the Emergencies Act) just a few days ago as he attempted to tighten the screws on the Canadian truckers who had congregated peacefully in Ottawa to protest for freedom?

(Honestly, folks! I had no idea my Emergencies Act would cause such a reaction! [sarcasm by JWB])

The Emergencies Act included a Trudeau threat to freeze bank accounts without the need for a court order. Guess what the Canadian people did? They began going to their banks and withdrawing their money!

This could easily have triggered a global banking crisis. The banks began screaming for Trudeau to reverse his tyrannical order invoking the Emergencies Act. Here is a brief review of the story from Armstrong Economics newsletter.

Here is another angle to the story as the popular Jordan Peterson urged Canadians to get their money out of the banks.

QUOTE: Clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson warned Canadians in a podcast this week to withdraw money from Canadian banks, citing a source allegedly in the Canadian military who warned the situation is far worse” than imagined.

(Jordan Peterson)

The situation” in Canada is the unprecedented activation of the Emergencies Act, a law intended to grant the federal government sweeping powers against terrorism and mass violence. Left-wing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Act last week for the first time in Canadian history, claiming it was necessary to dispel peaceful protests linked to the Freedom Convoy movement.

Freedom Convoy protesters are demanding an end to civil rights violations by the Trudeau government supposedly necessary to fight the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. The largest iteration of these protests was stationed outside of Parliament in Ottawa and had no significant record of violence.

Parliament voted Monday night to approve Trudeau’s motion to invoke the Emergencies Act by a vote of 185 for and 151 against, despite the fact that police had violently ended the Ottawa protest and no active Freedom Convoy protests existed at the time of the vote.

In addition to allowing police to clear the Ottawa protests with violence, the Emergencies Act granted the government the ability to freeze the bank accounts of those linked to the protest. END QUOTE

The rest of the story from Breitbart News is here.


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