
James’ Update on WNC Conditions—Friday, October 4, 2024

Unless one is a hermit totally closed off from the outside world, everyone has by now seen pictures and videos of the utterly horrendous conditions in Western North Carolina (WNC). We are not going to literally risk our lives to go galivanting around the stricken areas just to snap pictures.

The devastation is almost unimaginable. I have read Jim Triplett’s report (it is in the Comments section in response to my Mighty Network {MN} blogpost of this past Wednesday) of what is happening in the village of Chimney Rock, which is located just east of Hendersonville, the county seat of Henderson County. Here is a map of the area.

However, I have read other reports of what is happening in the tiny communities in the mountains further out from Asheville and Hendersonville. I personally have no way of verifying any of them, but I would not be surprised to learn that they are substantially true. Here is a link to one of them, by blogger Sarah Westall, with whom I am not familiar, so again, I cannot verify it, but would not be surprised if it is true. Like Jim Triplett’s report, it is equally disturbing.

Meanwhile, our Congressman, Chuck Edwards—who is in a battle with a very woke” socialist Dem for reelection to represent our 11th Congressional District—has sent out the following News Release. The 11th District includes the 17 counties of WNC. All emphases and comments in [brackets] are mine. QUOTE:

October 3, 2024 Hendersonville, NC — Congressman Chuck Edwards released the following statement today:

The recent devastation of our mountain counties due to Hurricane Helene is unprecedented. More than any other time in our history, now is the time for everyone in western North Carolina to stand together to focus on family, neighbors, and the slow process of rebuilding our communities.

To that end, I am putting all campaign-related activities on hold to ensure that my time and attention are singularly-focused on helping all our citizens rebuild their communities and their lives. [It will be interesting to see if his opponent does the same.]

Additionally, I know many families in our region are now experiencing unexpected financial hardships. If such hardships exist for any of my campaign donors, I will gladly refund 100 percent of their contributions to my campaign.

[These are admirable actions and we hope and pray that Chuck will be able to corral his fellow Congressional Reps to hold the Byden-Harris administration’s feet to the fire and get help here quickly or else get the h” out of the way so that private groups and individuals can do the job!]

I was born in western North Carolina and have always called it home. I love this place and the great people who populate it. Together, we have faced many hardships over the years, but I fear our greatest challenge is upon us now. It will take an army of volunteers, nonprofits, and government services at all levels for our mountains to fully recover. I am committed to doing everything in my power to help that recovery occur.

Now is not the time for partisan politics of any kind. Instead, let us come together, help one another, and see the good in each other in our darkest moment.

God Bless you all as we begin to rebuild - together. END QUOTE

I have had more opportunities to get acquainted with Chuck (and his wife, Theresa) in brief conversations at several recent fundraisers and other political events which I have attended. I donated my widow’s mite” to be able to attend the two fundraisers.

As you can tell by the surroundings in the two photos here, the one was with heavy hitter” donors in a very impressive home in Biltmore Forest (the old moneyed people in Asheville).

The other fundraiser event was in a community park in the little town of Etowah (see map).

Now, let us contrast Chuck Edwards’ response with the Bidin administration’s meager efforts and their Pravda outlets (the Babylonian Media).

The following is excerpted from Dr. Robert Malone’s commentary on the Substack platform. [Malone was the inventor of mRNA technology and has had quite a political awakening in recent years.] QUOTE:

I continue to be deeply horrified and upset by Hurricane Helene’s devastation. Like everyone else in the Southeast, we have friends, family, and colleagues who are deeply affected….

Mainstream media and our government are already politicizing this tragedy.

True Story: This is not the first time such a horrific event has occurred in North Carolina. in 1916, there was a flood of epic proportions:

The account of this flood can be read here (it is worth the read) - and it is every bit as devastating as last week’s flood - except the population in North Carolina was smaller then, so one might speculate that loss of life from this might be much more significant.

So, the evidence is there. This type of flooding has happened before. From the 1916 report:

On Saturday, July 15, 1916, the Blue Ridge region saw more rain than anyone anywhere had ever seen since such records had been kept. One spot in Altapass, near Grandfather Mountain, measured more than 22 inches of rain in 24 hours.

In fact, the amount of rainfall during Helene was remarkedly [sic, Malone probably meant remarkably] similar to the 1916 event. Why is that important? Because our government is already using this storm to politicize climate change.

Our best estimate is that climate change caused over 50% more rainfall during Hurricane Helene in some parts of Georgia and the Carolinas,” [according to a] report released by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Based on this government report, CNN ran the following story soon after the hurricane:

CNN reported that scientific modeling” estimates that climate change …caused by fossil fuel pollution” was responsible for Hurricane Helene’s severity…

The Weather Channel and other MSM outlets also published similar stories.

This type of climate modeling is very similar to the modeling” that predicted a 3.4% case fatality rate of COVID-19 in 2020, which led to the draconian COVID crisis policies.

Using this tragedy to create modeling to fit their narrative to enact more climate change policies is unethical.

Psychological bioterrorism by our government to support a pre-determined narrative is just more Psy War. [Emphasis by Dr. Malone]

END QUOTE from Dr. Robert Malone’s Substack commentary.

This just came in from a friend of mine, Mike,” who had this story to share about a mutual friend. Consider this report in reference to the Chimney Rock report above. I have changed the names to protect their privacy. Here is Mike’s” report. QUOTE:

I also want to add that Linda,” who lives near Bat Cave and Chimney Rock is now safe and with her son. I have not spoken to her, but we have exchanged a couple of sporadic texts, and earlier this week I was in touch with her son and sister.

She had a very harrowing experience during the storm as several houses adjacent to her property were washed away. She was trying to evacuate but could not get out because her driveway was washed out. And the road to her house (Hwy 74) was washed out a couple miles from her house.

I learned that on Wednesday, volunteers and or Emerg. Crew made it to her, helped her hike out (along with her animals!) and she was met on the other side by her son (who was waiting with other volunteers for her). And as of Wednesday, she was safely on her way to Jacksonville FL… I don’t know what will be next for her, but I will keep you posted. END QUOTE

Just before I finished this update blog, I received a phone call from a sister-in-Christ who was planning to drive down from Minnesota with some fellow Christian ladies to bring supplies to ourselves and to whomever they could help. I am touched at the willingness to make such sacrifices to help us out.

I strongly suggested to our sister in Minnesota that she first make absolutely certain that the trip will not be in vain, as we have heard (rumors at this point) that the Feds and NC Dem. Gov. Roy Cooper’s state emergency workers are not allowing private” individuals into the area.

At my house, there is still no power, no water and sewer service and postal service is also suspended, so do not send anything by mail to our new address until I let you know. For the record, the new address is: PO Box 9, Fletcher, NC 28732.

The new address I had announced in our August FMS cover letter will not work as there is moisture in that unprotected outside mailbox. So when postal service is restored, I will let you know, and then use the above PO Box address please. I am fine and do not need rescued. Just keep us in your prayers.


Up next James’ Update on Conditions in WNC as of Wednesday, October 2, 2024 Serious conditions still prevail in Western North Carolina (WNC) in the aftermath of HHH (the Hellish Hurricane Helene). To save my precious time,
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