
Juan O Savin on the art of deception

This is part three of Tom Numbers’” extended interview with Juan O Savin (107). Here are some of my notes:

  • The art of deception in magic, politics, elections, religions, sports, spy craft, war, the corporate world, etc.
  • The illusion of the Obama marriage” and his predilections dating back to his high school days in Hawaii, the CIA connections, etc.
  • How the illusions are being exposed for all to see
  • What Aaron’s rod swallowing the Egyptians’ rods/snakes signified
  • Brief explanation of the teachings/training based on the John G. Lake healing ministries of a century ago—a very genuine thing, per Juan, without the embellishment and theatrics found in some other healing” ministries.
  • What song did Stevie Nicks (formerly of the British rock group Fleetwood Mac) sing at the inauguration of President Bill Clinton? It was an in-your-face proclamation presaging the entire Clinton administration.
  • Juan reveals a nice nugget in the Lord’s Prayer that never occurred to this writer.

(Non clickable screen shot. Juan stops at his destination during the interview and we see the cemetery where Juan’s friend was recently buried.)

Here is the blurb at the link below. QUOTE:

This PART THREE goes into the MAGIK that has been made to seem real” right in front of our eyes. The Art of Illusion. These manipulations by those that want POWER and CONTROL is every bit as evil as Satan is and his MINIONS.

We find the explanation of what are true Signs and Wonder” someone that you can see for having effect on this for many years. The Ministry of Curry Blake that his father started back in the early years of the twentieth Century. Curry sustains the Ministry today. https://www.jglm.org/john-g-lake/

Gideons Army has been going through Training with Curry Blake. Note when Juan walks into the Cemetery that overlooks Kona he mentions He has a friend buried there”. And you see to the right a fresh grave with Red Flowers on it. We all have lost someone dear to us. The coming age of the Great Winnowing needs FAITH in the highest. A great Leader is FIRST a GREAT follower of GOD. clipped at the end. END QUOTE

Part three runs 47:41 and is linked here.


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