
17-17-17 (i.e., Q cubed!)

Writeside Blonde is conducting her 107th interview on the 17th of the month, this one, appropriately, with Mr. 107. This was sent to us by one of our Texas correspondents who offered this note (and we concur).


Even though it’s 2 hours and 13 minutes long this interview is packed with all kinds of historical information plus material quite relevant to the present time. I can’t even begin to give you notes; there are a lot of things in this interview. She and Juan cover their favorite issues [Juan’s in] 1997 and [hers from] 1999, and who it was that suggested the name George” for the magazine. END QUOTE

We, likewise, will not attempt to give bullet points as we would have many pages of intriguing information. It is refreshing to have a mild-mannered and respectful interviewer such as Writeside Blonde giving Juan an open mic with no loud, boorish interruptions.

She is very polite and although they both know that she has made a mission of investigating all the extant issues of George magazine, and believes Juan is the current pseudonym of JFK, Jr., she never brings it up.

Juan has the complete set of all the George issues published and he speaks with such familiarity and reasoning behind why the magazine did various things that it only strengthens the belief by some of us that Juan was born as JFK, Jr. and the founder/publisher of George.

Throughout this interview, Juan delivers calmly and with a full understanding of her audience’s red-pilled, Q-aware level of knowledge. He explains what the Q operation was and why it was implemented—the fruits of which are seen as keys to the American people being able to rout the wicked from our land and the world.

This is a phenomenal program from so many aspects. (And clean language throughout.) Juan offers a great prayer at the end, followed by Writeside Blonde’s outro with a clip of JFK, Jr. on the Larry King Show.

This a great refresher course for many of us, but with still some wow! and aha! moments. Please share it as it will be excellent for 101-level and Continuing Ed for newbies and normies. We plan to hear it again.

The link is here.


Up next Ten Days Of Darkness and How Might It Go This is only about 26 minutes in length, but very important for all of U.S. and Juan expounds why. This is one major reason why we have been The Divinity of Christ, part 14 We are continuing to pile Bible passage upon passage to overwhelmingly demonstrate that Jesus is God, the only God, who is the Creator and Sustainer
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