
Chapter 12: The 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, Part 6

Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom, part 38—The families in the money changing business

We were discussing information we find in the book, Popes from the Ghetto, by Rabbi Dr. Joachim Prinz. Picking up from precisely where we left off in part 37.

So, what I am suggesting is that we consider the fact that, naturally, the pagan Roman empire had a money system, too—and I intend to discuss that further downstream in connection with the current manifestations of Mystery Babylon—but is it possible that some of the same families of the earth have been among those behind the scenes for centuries? Those families in the money-changing business?

Keep that in mind as we proceed to share more of Dr. Joachim Prinz’s historical revelations, which I am going to limit to excerpts dealing with the planning and implementation of their plans for obtaining power. In those days, power resided either in the person of the kings and emperors, or in the papacy.

The Pierleoni obviously were not of the right bloodline to become emperors, so they set their sights on the papacy, and then, as we have outlined, they asserted themselves over and above all temporal, earthly rulers. On page 26, Dr. Prinz wrote (all emphasis mine):

In time most of the Jewish community left the filth and stench of the old Ghetto for the left bank. But the Pierleoni did not.”

I would interject that Prinz is referring to the Jewish ghettoes of the 11th century along the banks of the Tiber River in Rome. Continuing the quote:

Their decision to hold fast was not born out of sentimentality but was part of the systematic planning of a family which seemed to live by a blueprint on which their every move had been patiently and deliberately determined. And the goal of their plan was the Papacy.”

Rabbi Dr. Prinz begins the story with one, Baruch Pierleone, who as a Jew, felt the sting of being a member of a despised minority. Quoting from page 29:

Was it then that Baruch began to work on that blueprint for his family? Recounting the hundred and eight years from 1030, the year of the Pierleone conversion, until the death of Anaclet II, one cannot help but think of such a master plan.

For the conversion of the Pierleoni was not merely a maneuver to gain acceptance in Roman society. When the ordinary Jew became a Christian, he was from then on in most respects just like the others. But the Pierleoni were not just like the others.’ It is interesting that some historians have called them the Rothschilds of the Middle Ages.’

Of course, the Rothschilds never converted. Until this day they are Jewish leaders in England and France…But they, too, had their master plan, first conceived by Amschel Rothschild…They pursued their aims as relentlessly as the Pierleoni.”

While I know that most of this audience are familiar with the famous quote of Amschel Rothschild, many in my radio and internet audience may not be. I have this from several books, but it is easily verified in numerous sources on the web nowadays. Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild stated:

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.”

Back to Popes from the Ghetto, page 30, quote:

The moneyers of the Middle Ages were authorized minters of coins, and as such they enjoyed a position to which there is no real parallel in our times.”

Excuse me! Come now, Dr. Prinz, surely you have heard of the Federal Reserve System? Well, of course, he had. He died in 1988, by the way. This is his patent attempt to cover up by omission the obvious parallel between the moneyers of the Middle Ages and the Fed today. Continuing to quote…

They were not merely professionals, but a caste, indeed one of higher rank and greater importance than most of the nobility.”

And is that not the case today with the owners of the largest banks and the relatively few interlocking families who own the Federal Reserve System? We will jump back now to page 126 through 130, to let Rabbi Prinz tell us more specifically of Hildebrand Pierleone, aka (also known as) Pope Gregory VII.

They called him, mockingly, Prandellus, the little one, for he was indeed a diminutive person—small, visually unimpressive, ugly and swarthy—a Pierleone. … That a man so ugly and so unimposing should have exerted so much influence aroused amazement and admiration. Since he was also accused of having the diabolic power of black magic, was it trickery with which he worked?

Far from it: it was part of the systematic planning of a family playing for high stakes. Benedictus, the old Jew Baruch, was too old by now to do any planning or acting, but his son Leo de Benedictus had become the head of the family and he was much abler than his father, much more sure of himself. …

To Hildebrand, who was not a theologian but a practical politician, it must have seemed prudent to establish a close relationship with the Emperor if he were to have any influence over the election of the Popes. He was determined to stay in Papal politics. …

The rule of the five German Popes (1047 to 1058) blurred the issue temporarily, since, selected and nominated by the Emperor and only confirmed by the Romans, they could not be expected to be anti-Imperial. Even some of them, however, did have enough courage and intellect to understand the basic issue of the century: the war of Papal independence which went under the theological-sounding name of the Contest of Investiture.

The Pierleoni, together with the Frangipani…formed the backbone of Roman resistance to German domination. Money and propaganda kept the flame of public opinion” alive among the Roman populace, but the overriding strategy, based on intelligent and cool appraisal of the changing political conditions, was obvious: to side with the Emperor for the time being and wait until the great moment when a central attack would bring total victory.

Faithfully, Hildebrand bided his time with John Gratian Pierleone, who was still called Gregory VI and whose Papal ring of St. Peter, which he had not relinquished, was still being kissed by respectful priests and bishops. But not for long.

In 1048 Gregory died in Hamburg. (What he was doing there, of all places, we are not told; perhaps some Pierleone business interest had taken him to the old trade-port and harbor. Hildebrand inherited a large fortune from his relative…[N]ow Hildebrand was free to pursue his political aims.

Gregory VIs successor, a German nobleman who adopted the name of Damascus II, had twenty-three days in which to get adjusted to the high and exalted office before he too died, also by poison. It was clearly not healthy to be a German Pope in those days.”

May I interject here that such measures continue to be employed to this day. From the book, In God’s Name, I read: On September 28, 1978, 33 days after his election, Pope John Paul I…was declared dead. No official death certificate has ever been issued. No autopsy ever performed. His body was hastily embalmed. Cause of death: Unknown. And Vatican business continues.”

The author, David Yallop, goes on to show that, as usual, it is all about the love of money and power. He shows the likelihood that the pope was given poison in his evening tea. Back to the Pierleoni family.

Hildebrand remains one of the great geniuses of all times. He negotiated, maneuvered, cajoled, planned, directed, used people and circumstances at will, and remained in control of it all. The agility of his mind, the ruthlessness which he showed in pursuit of his goals, the single-mindedness of his well-defined purpose and, above all, his complete devotion to the Church…make him one of the most remarkable men of history. His enemies thought him diabolical and devious; he certainly was not an angel, but he was not a devil either.

Remember how I told you of the people of Rome spontaneously acclaiming Hildebrand as the next pope? Although he applies it to a previous pope whom Hildebrand served as advisor, the principle is the same. Prinz asks on page 132:

How much Pierleoni money had helped in the preparation of this spontaneous’ acclaim we do not know.”

Now jumping ahead to the death of Pope Urban II in 1098, Prinz comments on pages 189 & 190, quote:

The Pierleoni were now so well established as to be considered unofficial members of the Curia [the ruling body serving under the pope]. They were no longer merely Papal bankers and financiers: their monetary contributions were by this time taken for granted. Their castles became chateaux, the social gathering places of clergy and nobility, the salons of medieval Rome. They became the trouble-shooters and confidants of the Popes…[T]he political power in Rome at this time was entirely in the hands of the noble families, notably the Pierleoni, who symbolized the power of all of the aristocracy.”

Well, I could go on for another hour or two with equally enlightening revelations of the family that wielded power as Popes in the Dark Ages, and continued to wield power from behind the scenes for who knows how long after that?

As history records, it would take another hundred years or so before another man of the ability and force of Hildebrand/Gregory VII would ascend to the papacy, and that man was Innocent III, who ruled from 1198 to 1216.

Regarding Innocent III, Professor Dr. Edwin Leroy Froom stated (emphasis mine):

Under him the see of Peter became the throne of the world, and from his chancery, letters to kings and rulers, cardinals and bishops went forth almost daily. He brought all Europe under his heel. …

He contended that not only the whole church was entrusted to Peter but the whole world as well. That is, the pope was not only the vicar of Christ, but even the vicar of God on earth—thereby meaning that through Christ spiritual power over souls was bestowed upon him, but as vicar of God, who is the ruler of the universe, temporal power as well was vested in him. And to enhance this claim he used, with tremendous effect, two terrible weapons at his disposal. One was excommunication; the other, the interdict.”

I have a lot more on this topic. In the next installment, we will pick up on these powerful tools of the papacy in the Dark Ages, the interdict and excommunication. Then we will see much greater evidence of how the mouth of the little horn spoke blasphemies against the Most High God, as had been prophesied in Daniel, chapter 7.

Looking back now in my life, it is no wonder that upon my visit to my old Latin instructor-priest 20 years after I left the Catholic seminary (and within a year after that, I left Roman Catholicism altogether), that he exploded in rage when I mentioned the accurate prophecies in the book of Daniel. Now I understand why the Catholic church has to denigrate the book of Daniel. Because it accurately foretold all about the antichrist papal system!

If you have not read my encounter with the priest, it is in part 13 of this series, in the blog entitled: Chapter 5—The Prophecies of Daniel Unsealed, part 1, dated April 16, 2020. So, stay tuned for The 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, part 7.

Up next Chapter 12 - The 4th Empire Extended—Papal Rome, Part 5 Chapter 13-The 4th Empire Extended, Papal Rome, Part 7
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