
Juanito — 5 Months To Defeat Biden?”

As we had hoped for, here is a short interview with Juan O Savin weighing in with his opinion on the meaning of Trump’s deliberate (or was it a slip-of-the-tongue?) statement. Here is the background from our blog this past Tuesday:

Did Trump speech in Summerville send signal to supporters?

One of our indefatigable correspondents in Georgia (many thanks) sent me a link this morning to a very short clip from Pres. Trump speaking to a crowd in Summerville (suburban Charleston), SC last night, Monday, September 25, 2023.

[Trump said:] less than five months from now we’re going to defeat crooked Joe Biden, we are going to take back our country, and we are going to Make America Great Again!”

Skip ahead to the 10-minute mark where Nino asks the question of Juanito”: Trump in South Carolina says in five months…” okay, he’s says in five months we’re going to…’ Nino mumbles… …what’s he talking about five months’?”

(Non-clickable screenshot)

At one point in his extended answer, Mr. 107 explains:

People in this audience specifically, Take a deep breath and understand. We’re in an occupied situation here in the country. The enemy’s inside the gates. We’re fighting from the inside out. So, in a certain sense, you’re almost prisoners-of-war in your own country…”

HELLO-O-O-O! Yes, this is exactly what we have taught in our Bible lectures for decades… in several of our series, notably in Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom and The Kingdom of God series.

The key verses are found in several of the prophets; here is one from Micah.

Micah 4:10 Be in pain, and labour to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail: for now shalt thou go forth out of the city, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go even to Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there the LORD [Yahweh] shall redeem thee from the hand of thine enemies.

As we explained in great detail in the aforementioned series, this prophecy was written to and about us, latter-day Christianized Israel. It is not primarily speaking about the old city, but about Mystery Babylon.

We have been taken captive in our own land by the world-ruling system which the Bible calls Mystery, Babylon the Great. Thank you, Juan!

He also goes on to explain the oft-repeated encouragement from Q, as well as from Juan himself, when they have told their audiences: Enjoy the show!” Do we really understand what they meant by that?

Here is the link to the show on YouTube. We are posting this immediately as it may not remain there very long.

This is only 37:24 in length and skipping the first ten minutes makes it quite short—relatively speaking, (i.e., when speaking of Juan.) 😁


Up next A lesson in discernment—seeing through misinformation and disinformation California Senator Feinstein dead at 90 …or as we were informed by one of our Ohio correspondents earlier today: “Another one bites the dust Compiled from multiple web sources: QUOTE: The
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