
This is potentially very big! Brunson case is back on the SCOTUS docket

One of our east coast Mighty Network members and correspondents alerted us to this encouraging news. Thank you, dear one! We have verified it at the website of the SCOTUS. We grabbed this screenshot of the docket a few minutes ago.

Our MN correspondent found the info at the Elijah List’s Breaking Christian News website, from which we quote the following:

The case brought by Utah brothers Raland and Loy Brunson—(Raland Brunson v. Alma Adams) had been making its way through the US court system. After the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS) initially agreed to hear the case, it was rejected without explanation on January 9th, of this year…

However, on February 1st, the Brunson Brothers shared on Twitter that the case was back on:

We have good news! We are back on the docket!” the tweet read. SCOTUS has updated our motion for reconsideration and has set a conference date of 2/17, just two weeks from Friday! We told you we were ready for anything, we are still in the fight. Keep the prayers coming!”

The Brunson v. Adams case, if won, would essentially reverse the presidential results of the 2020 election. [emphasis by JWB**]**

On Raland Brunson’s website a description reads:

THE LAWSUIT Both lawsuits include defendants …Biden, Harris, former V.P. Pence and 385 members of congress [emphases by JWB] for breaking their oath of office by voting AGAINST the proposition (that came from members of congress) to investigate the claims that there were enemies of the constitution who successfully rigged the election.

BOTH LAWSUITS ARE ABOUT THE DEFENDANTS BREAKING THEIR OATH OF OFFICE I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

THE QUESTION How can you support, and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign, and domestic? Answer: You investigate. If there are claims that there is a threat, even if you don’t believe there is a threat, you investigate. How else can you determine if there is a threat unless you investigate? You can’t. Were there claims of a threat to the Constitution? Yes. Where did these serious claims come from? 100 members of Congress. What was the threat? That there were enemies of the Constitution who successfully rigged the 2020 election. Is this lawsuit about a rigged election? No, it’s about the members of Congress who voted AGAINST the investigation thereby thwarting the investigation. Was this a clear violation of their oath? YES. [emphases by JWB]

THE RELIEF THAT LOY AND RALAND ARE SEEKING That defendants be permanently removed from office,* and not allowed to hold a public office again.* [emphasis by JWB]

The brothers have asked those who agree with the lawsuit to write letters to SCOTUS, supporting the case…

The full story from Breaking Christian News is linked here. We have posted about this case previously and encouraged readers to write the letters; we did so. (It only takes a few minutes.)


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