
Brunson Case Hands the SCOTUS Another Loaded Gun”

The U. S. Solicitor General, Elizabeth Prelogar, yesterday responded to the Brunson petition by saying the Government hereby waives its right to file a response to the petition…” [by Loy Brunson]

However, I have a serious concern. Help me out here! Can someone tell me why this document IS NOT SIGNED? I just downloaded it from what appears to be the official SCOTUS website. To verify with me, go to the SCOTUS website, scroll down to May 24 2023 and click on Main Document” hyperlink. No signature, right?

This is a legal document of the highest order and utmost gravity. If you or I forget to sign a check, an IRS 1040, or any government form; it is considered invalid. Was this done on purpose? If so, why? To further delay matters?

If, for reasons unknown to me, the lack of Ms. Prelogar’s signature is not a big deal (?!?), and if we understand the ramifications correctly, this means the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) can now come together in Conference to decide whether to proceed with hearing the Petitioner’s (Brunson’s) request to have the 350+ members (or former members) of the House and Senate, plus the current VP and Prez removed from office in one fell swoop!

In other words, if it is valid, this document is another step forward in giving the SCOTUS another figurative loaded pistol” pointed at the bad actors in the Congress, etc. Be encouraged! This isn’t over! We could be headed for one of those Divine intervention moments in history!

Here is more background information taken from Loy’s website (https://loybrunson.com/)

QUOTE: The Supreme Court of the United States under its’ imperative public importance” RULE 11 has allowed Loy Arlan Brunson to bypass the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. The SCOTUS as of April 19, 2023 has received, filed and docketed Loy Arlan Brunson’s emergency RULE 11 PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI.

What is Rule 11: A petition for a writ of certiorari to review a case pending in a United States court of appeals, before judgment is entered in that court, will be granted only upon a showing that the case is of such Imperative Public Importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this Court.

This new Docketed case #22-1028, allows the US Solicitor General, until the 24th of May, to respond. Once the Solicitor General responds or not, either way, on or before May 24th, the court will be free to set a date for conference.

As we are heading into a new Supreme Court Conference, we need to launch a new letter campaign for this newly Docketed case # 22-1028. We need you to join us, in showing the supreme court, We The People”, are behind and in support of this case, to save our Constitution and to insure the Oath” is binding, as required by article 6 of our Constitution. END QUOTE

We encourage all our readers to view the five-minute video on Loy’s website.


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