
More Information on the Twin Cities Tabernacles Conference

Dr. Stephen E. Jones has just posted some further information on the October Tabernacles Conference, including Reservations details.

At one point Steve states that my lectures will not be livestreamed. That is correct. And we shall later post enhanced versions (additional graphics) of my lectures on our website.

However, after I have finished speaking and I know that I have not made any serious mistakes, I will allow Steve’s audio-video crew to post my raw videos during the Conference (such as during lunch or dinner breaks).

But we will request the crew to turn off any running commentary” by viewers, which we feel (based on experience) is a major distraction from paying full attention to the message of the speaker.

We are eagerly anticipating this gathering of the saints of El Elyon (the Most High God).

This reminds me of this Scripture:

Malachi 3:16 Then they that feared the LORD [Yahweh] spake often one to another: and the LORD [Yahweh] hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the LORD [Yahweh], and that thought upon his name.

So we look forward to speaking often to our friends of many years and those who become our new friends at the DoubleTree in October. Here is the link to the page at Steve’s website.


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