
Chapter 8: 100 Years of the Fed, Part 4

Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom, part 23—A spiritual work at the Fed, part 2

When we speak of the Federal Reserve System, we are speaking of the visible symbol and the actual implementers of the economic debt bondage which has enslaved the American people since 1913. Although I did not know the specifics of what I was supposed to do, I had a very strong inkling that it had to do with our release from that debt bondage simply because the work was to be done at the Atlanta Federal Reserve building.

In the Bible, the laws of Jubilee are custom-designed by God Himself to reset” the national economy every 50th year by the cancellation of all debt and the restoration of lost properties to their original owners. (That’s the short version. Obtain our audio lectures #271, 272, 275 & 276 for in-depth analysis of those laws of Jubilee.)

God’s law commands that this Jubilee release be proclaimed every 49th year on the 10th day of the 7th month. Thus, when Ron Oja pointed out that I had already unwittingly selected that particular day which represents the Jubilee, it was confirmed to me that a declaration of Jubilee would be part of the work.

The Father knows that my personality is such that I do not like to wing it” when presenting Bible teaching, but because His leading was confirmed so dramatically, I had no anxiety about being prepared. I knew He would give me exactly what I was supposed to say and do before or even at the very moment the time arrived.

As it happened, it was late on Friday afternoon, July 9th and I had finished writing the manuscript for the Bible lecture I was going to present the next day at our Tennessee fellowship, and on Sunday in Atlanta . Only then did the Father give me the specifics for the Fed work.” I knew by that time that several elements were to be part of it:

  1. a prayer of confession and repentance on behalf of ourselves, our ancestors and our entire nation today, who all have been guilty of disobedience to our Father’s commandments, statutes and judgments.

  2. an acknowledgement of our current national predicament as being captive to Mystery Babylon because of that disobedience.

  3. an awareness that the time of that captivity is soon to end.

  4. that, as it does come to an end and Mystery Babylon falls, we pray for God’s mercy on our oppressors because if …ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. (Matthew 6:15)

  5. that we declare the Jubilee, the cancellation of all debt, etc.

I also had no concern over how many or how few would come to the Fed to participate in the work. On Friday afternoon, it was looking like only three of us would be there. However, in the next few hours people began to phone and email saying they planned to be part of it. Very early the next morning I departed Asheville for the four-hour drive to Cleveland, Tennessee.

After our service there, we usually adjourn to a restaurant for further fellowship. Then, for me, it is about a three-hour drive to Atlanta late on Saturday afternoon. I was delighted that three of our Tennessee group told me that they would make the trip for what they knew would be only about a 20-minute work.” But, as they said, they felt impelled to be there.”

I had told those planning to attend that we would commence at 6 p.m., for no other reason than that it seemed a convenient time. When we convened at the Fed building at 6, we discovered that the Atlanta Fed was the home of the 6th FRS district.

(photo by James W. Bruggeman)

How fitting! Six is the number of man, of imperfection. I did almost no web searching or research beforehand, but one of those present informed me that the name Atlanta was not only related to the name of the mythical lost continent of Atlantis, but also that both words are related to the ancient pagan god, Atlas, who is usually depicted bearing the globe on his shoulders.

In my current lecture series, I had twice already made reference to Ayn Rand’s prescient novel, Atlas Shrugged. Though I disagree vigorously with her atheistic-humanistic philosophy, the novel—published in 1958—is a brilliant depiction of the path from freedom to authoritarianism. It has awakened many young mush-minds from their socialistic indoctrination at universities to become freedom-loving entrepreneurs.

Thus, the fact that we were doing the work in Atlanta spoke to us that we came as ambassadors of the Lord Jesus Christ, the One who supplants the false god, Atlas, the One who is the true God and who does uphold the world on His shoulders” by the word of His power. Cf. Isaiah 9:6 with Hebrews 1:3.

Hebrews 1:3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, …

As Providence willed, we had exactly 12 people present, 6 men and 6 women. Again, it was a nice touch from our Father, not only to have the gender balance but for us to represent the 12 Federal Reserve districts. The 12 tribes of Israel also came to mind, along with the 12 apostles of Jesus.

And how much more fitting that a member of our Atlanta fellowship called me to say he could not be in attendance physically, but he would go outside into the yard of his home north of Atlanta and make the Prayer/ Proclamation at 6 p.m. with us. He also blew his shofar (ram’s horn) of Jubilee at that time. The man’s name? Christopher, i.e., Christ-bearer.

So, we had 12 present and one other, representing Christ, invisibly present, making a total of 13.

Someone noted that the address of the Fed is 1000 Peachtree Street. In biblical symbolism, the number 1000 represents glory, glorification (immortality) and the feast of Tabernacles. Those of us who have studied the machinations of the rulers of Mystery Babylon have come to realize that numbers and symbolism of all sorts are very important to them and are ubiquitous in all they do. And why not?

They are merely counterfeiting the work and majesty of the Creator who is the Originator of doing everything by the numbers.” His hand’s works are all laden with symbolism on multiple levels when we are given eyes to see. Therefore, the symbols in His works—though often hidden—are preeminently ubiquitous.

(photo by James W. Bruggeman)

For example, notice the marble exterior of the building and the Greco-Roman style of architecture. The heavy marble stone is no doubt meant to give the appearance of strength and power. But as with the money” it lends into circulation, everything about the Fed is illusion.

The fact that it is Greco-Roman architecture—besides being classical” and very pleasing to the eye—is also in keeping with the Babylonian succession of empires found in Daniel, chapter 2. We know that Mystery Babylon enfolds all the previous ones within its end-time empire. Of course, the Greek empire under Alexander and his four generals, and the Roman empire (pagan and holy”) were among that succession.

Research subsequent to our work at the Fed has unearthed some further fascinating information. In 1962 work began on renovations to the existing Fed building, but as the contractors got into the thick of it, they discovered some bad news for the Fed executives: The old building was unfit to renovate. Old structural drawings contained a good deal of fiction,’ [then-Atlanta Fed President] Bryan had to tell the board. Footings, beams, columns, and structural members were not as described, and some simply did not exist.”

In other words, we could say that the building—like the Fed itself—was like the proverbial house of cards, or it was built on sand. It apparently did not have the Rock-solid foundation that the true Temple has in Jesus Christ, who was the Stone that the builders rejected (Luke 20:17).

Ultimately, the only pieces salvaged from the old building were five of the sixteen marble Corinthian columns that decorated the front of the old building. The pictures herein show how, after the new construction, they lined up four columns together in front of the new building, and the fifth column has the eagle mounted on top. Note: the eagle surmounts the fifth column,” and the symbolic meaning of a fifth column?” Infiltration. But Who is infiltrating whom?

(A 3,300 pound black eagle surmounts the fifth column” in front of the main entrance. Two of the remaining original four columns can be seen at the right edge of this photo. Photo by James W. Bruggeman)

The eagle itself was of cast bronze. Bronze symbolizes the Greek empire in Daniel, chapter 2. Yet, the eagle itself was the symbol of Imperial Rome.

(photo by James W. Bruggeman)

Thus again, we see the combination of the Greek and Roman empires being brought forward in time to be part of modern Mystery Babylon. This particular eagle was fashioned by the American sculptor named Elbert Weinberg who supervised its casting and shipment from where? …Rome!

Elbert Weinberg (Source: Wikipedia)

One further significant tidbit about the eagle: It weighs 3,300 pounds. To anyone who has the least familiarity with Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism and other occult and secret societies, the number 33 is highly significant.

Ah, but not to fret, brothers and sisters in Christ, for our Father always has His overlay of the true and righteous to replace the false and the counterfeit—and the counterfeits must come first. For example, the very first mention of the eagle in the Bible, is where God uses the eagle to describe how He rescued His Israel people from bondage in Egypt and brought them to Himself.

Exodus 19:4 Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto myself.

We are now at the hour of deliverance of modern Israel (us/US) from prophetic Egypt-Assyria-(Mystery) Babylon!

The architect for the new building was—very appropriately—a man named Toombs.

(looking at the toomb”-like, north side of the Fed; photo by James W. Bruggeman)

The new building was completed in July 1964, which means that this month [ten years ago now in 2020]—as we made our prayer and proclamation there—it has been 46 years—the number associated with Herod’s temple! (John 2:20)

Ron had also previously called my attention to the fact that not only was the date (10th day, 7th month) a confirmation from the Lord, but that we were led to do the work in Georgia. Georgia had been initially established as a colony for debtors who were freed from debtors’ prison in England, sent to America, and given some acreage in King George’s debtor colony, named for his majesty himself. What more appropriate place could there be to proclaim the Jubilee!

And to update what is happening in America right now, members of Congress (House and Senate) are stumbling over each other to be the first to introduce a bill to proclaim Juneteenth” as a national holiday.

Juneteenth (a portmanteau of June and nineteenth) — also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day, and Emancipation Day–is a holiday celebrating the emancipation of those who had been enslaved in the United States. Originating in Texas, it is now celebrated annually on the 19th of June throughout the United States, with varying official recognition [Presently, by 47 states—JWB]. Specifically, it commemorates Union army general Gordon Granger announcing federal orders in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, proclaiming that all slaves in Texas were free. [Source: Wikipedia]

In other words, it is divinely-ordained timing that a proclamation (of sorts) of a day of Jubilee should happen at this time in history. The larger picture is that, through the present dark clouds of anarchy and destruction, we (all Americans of all races) are being freed from our debt bondage to Mystery Babylon, ten years after our work” at the Atlanta Fed—in perfect Hezekiah factor timing! Hallelujah! More to come in part 5.

Up next Chapter 8 - 100 Years of the Fed, Part 3 Chapter 9 - 100 Years of the Fed, Part 5
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