
Loy Brunson Update—Supreme Court Could Act Today

(Non-clickable screenshot)

QUOTE: This new Docketed case #22-1028, allows the US Solicitor General, until the 24th of May, to respond. Once the Solicitor General responds or not, either way, on or before May 24th, the court will be free to set a date for conference.

As we are heading into a new Supreme Court Conference, we need to launch a new letter campaign for this newly Docketed case # 22-1028. We need you to join us, in showing the supreme court, We The People”, are behind and in support of this case, to save our Constitution and to insure the Oath” is binding, as required by article 6 of our Constitution.

Nino is barely under control and is a real nixer now. This is a bit disturbing. The Case will go forward. And they have another Case waiting in the wings. Stay Positive. Help the process by sending a letter. Go to LoyBrunson.com and PRAY. END QUOTE

This interview of Loy was done just a few days ago (May 19) by David Nino Rodriguez runs only about 20 minutes.

For our MN readers not familiar with the activities of the Brunson brothers, this alternative interview (below) with Loy offers more background. Plus, you can do a search on our Mighty Network (just plug in the phrase Brunson Supreme”) and find the several previous blogs we have written regarding the enormous potential for a very sudden and abrupt change in the national political landscape.

If such were to occur, it would compare closely as a modern version (a fulfillment of the type and shadow) of the fall of ancient Babylon which also occurred suddenly, in one night, as the head was removed.

Daniel 5:30 In that night was Belshazzar the king of the Chaldeans [Babylonians] slain.

Except that 350+ Congressmen and women (including some ex-Senators and Representatives, plus the VP, and the Prez) would simply be removed from their positions for now, and some/many/all would await trial or military tribunal on whatever charges are justified.

Here is a link to the alternate interview: Shavon Ayala on her channel, The Revealing,” with Loy Brunson. It runs about one hour.


Up next Largest pink ribbon “charity” gave millions to abortion provider While combing through some old files, we found this article published by our friends who own the local area conservative papers, the Tribune Papers. Brunson Case Hands the SCOTUS Another “Loaded Gun”
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