
A brief snapshot of President Andrew Jackson

The following article is excerpted from an article which we found in our collection of the now-defunct Kingdom Digest.

As was and is the case with Everyman, Jackson was human and thus had his flaws. But in our present culture there is far too much exaltation of those who were servants of darkness (for example, Alexander Hamilton) and not enough in praise of the virtues of the servants of the Most High God.

Regular readers understand that Hamilton was the servant of the rising Rothschild banking interests, and as such, was a key player and their agent in establishing the first central bank in the United States.

Congress smelled the stink of the ploy and refused to renew its charter. That is really what the War of 1812 was all about: the Rothschilds controlling the Bank of England trying to bring the former colonists to bow to their dominion via controlling the money of the newly-formed united States of America.

We have written here previously and also taught extensively in our audio lecture series, Mystery Babylon and the Stone Kingdom, about the cabal’s attempts to bring America to heel under the international bankers’ control of the money and the economic system of the united States.

Jackson was instrumental in squashing the second attempt at the permanent establishment of a foreign-controlled central bank in America. He told their representatives in the White House who were making their demands to him:

You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.”

And that he did. This so angered the Rothschilds and their allies that they vowed vengeance on America. This resulted in the War between the States. (It was really about the control of money, not slavery.)

Now do you understand why when Donald J. Trump first moved into the White House, a portrait of Andrew Jackson was prominently displayed in the Oval Office?

DJT was signaling to those who understood the symbolism that he was going to follow the example of Jackson, that he likewise was going to rout out the den of vipers.

Although it may not seem like it to the casual observer, by all indications to those who of us who study current events, things are right on track for DJT to return to the WH and begin the cleansing of America.

Here then is the article from the KD published in July 1998. We have no idea when it was originally written (author unknown). QUOTE:

Andrew Jackson was born in 1767 in the Waxhaw settlement, a remote area of South Carolina. His father was an fish emigrant of Scottish origin who had come to America in search of a better life.

Andrew Jackson was a lawyer, Congressman, U.S. Senator, judge on the Tennessee Supreme Court and the seventh president of the United States. Jackson also is given the credit for proposing the state’s name, Tennessee,” when he was a member of the state’s first convention which adopted Tennessee’s constitution.

As major general of the U.S. Army he defeated the British in the Battle of New Orleans in 1815. The private soldiers said of him, he is as tough as hickory,” and he soon became known as Old Hickory.”

After the victorious Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812 Jackson wrote his friend Robert Hays: It appears that the unerring hand of Providence shielded my men from the shower of balls, bombs, and rockets, when every ball and bomb from our guns carried with them a mission of death.”

Concerning that same battle, Jackson wrote to Secretary of War James Monroe:

Heaven, to be sure, has interposed most wonderfully in our behalf, and I am filled with gratitude, when I look back to what we have escaped.”

Jackson served two terms as president of the United States from 1829­-1837. In 1832 he vetoed the Bank Renewal Bill, preventing the [re-] establishment of the Bank of the United States. [The international banker controlled central bank.]

He said that a federal bank would be detrimental to the freedoms of Americans; that it was dangerous to have such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people … Their power would be great … it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy …”

Jackson took the bold step of withdrawing the government’s deposits from the Bank of the United States, which caused consternation and criticism.

However, by 1835 the national debt was paid off, a unique occurrence in the history of our nation, and at the end of this second term as president, Jackson left a surplus in the Federal Treasury.

When Andrew Jackson was away in Washington, D.C., he wrote to his wife of his faith:

I trust that the God of Isaac and of Jacob will protect you, and give you health in my absence. In Him alone we ought to trust; He alone can preserve and guide us through this troublesome world, and I am sure He will hear your prayers. We are told that the prayers of the righteous availeth much (James 5:16), and I add mine for your health and preservation until we meet again.”

On March 4, 1833, in his Second Inaugural Address, President Jackson stated:

… It is my fervent prayer to that Almighty Being … that He will so overrule all my intentions and actions and inspire the hearts of my fellow-citizens that we may be preserved from dangers of all kinds and continue forever a united happy people.”

Jackson wrote to Mary and Andrew Jackson on the death of their firstborn:

… This charming babe was only given you from your Creator and benefactor … He has a right to take away, and we ought humbly to submit to His will and be always ready to say, blessed be His name. We have one consolation under this severe bereavement, that this babe is now in the bosom of its Saviour.”

In January 1835, a bearded man, at point blank range, fired two pistols at him, but for some reason the guns failed to discharge. The King of England heard of the incident and expressed his concern. President Jackson wrote back, exclaiming:

…Providence had been pleased to shield me against the recent attempt upon my life, and irresistibly carried many minds to the belief in a superintending Providence.”

On March 25, 1835 Andrew Jackson wrote in a letter:

… All who profess Christianity believe in a Saviour, and that by and through Him we must be saved. We ought, therefore, to consider all good Christians whose walks correspond with their professions, be they Presbyterian, Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodist or Roman Catholic.”

On December 30, 1836, President Jackson wrote to Mr. Andrew Donelson after hearing that his wife, Emily, had died:

It becomes our duty to submit to this heavy bereavement with due submission, and control our passions, submit to the will of God who holds our lives in His hand and say with humble and contrite hearts,”The Lord’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

Andrew Jackson stated:

We who are frequently visited by this chastening rod, have the consolation to read in the Scriptures that whomever He chasteneth He loveth, and does it for their good to make them mindful of their mortality and that this earth is not our abiding place; and afflicts us that we may prepare for a better world, a happy immortality.”

Go to the Scriptures … the joyful promises it contains will be a balsam to all your troubles.

On May 29, 1845, just a few weeks before he died, Andrew Jackson said:

Sir, I am in the hands of a merciful God. I have full confidence in His goodness and mercy … The Bible is true. I have tried to conform to its spirit as near as possible. Upon that sacred volume I rest my hope for eternal salvation, through the merits and blood of our blessed Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

On June 1, 1845, though in great pain, Jackson replied to those visiting him:

When I have suffered sufficiently, the Lord will then take me to Himself but what are all my sufferings compared to those of the Blessed Saviour, who died upon that cursed tree for me? Mine are nothing.”

On June 8, 1845, just moments before his death, Andrew Jackson called his family and servants to his bedside and told them:

My dear children, do not grieve for me; it is true, I am going to leave you; I am well aware of my situation.

I have suffered much bodily pain, but my sufferings are but nothing compared with that which our blessed Redeemer endured upon the accursed Cross, that all might be saved who put their trust in Him … God will take care of you for me. I am my God’s. I belong to Him. I go but a short time before you, and … I hope and trust to meet you all in Heaven, both white and black.”

The first clause of Andrew Jackson’s Will states: The Bible is true. Upon that sacred volume I rest my hope of eternal salvation through the merits of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

First, I bequeath my body to the dust whence it comes, and my soul to God who gave it, hoping for a happy immortality through the atoning merits of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the world. END QUOTE


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