
Juan O Savin Discusses Big Changes Happening. Are You Prepared?

For your weekend enlightenment, we offer this recent interview of Juan O Savin (Mr. 107) on the His Glory” program. There were several Juan talks” which we have heard over the past ten days or more and this one is the best.

We chose to share this one because but not only does this one offer us Juan sans Nino—and therefore Juan does not have to yell at his host to get his point across—but in this one, Juan brings clarity to some recent events.

At the same time, he asserts clearly what we should expect in the short run and in the long run. In fact, the latter is one of the themes of this interview; namely, be prepared for the long run because this is not going to be over as soon as DJT gets re-elected.

That election itself will present some difficulties as the evil ones pull out all the stops to prevent their demise. But as our MN readers know, NCSWIC, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

(Incidentally, I would love to respond to many of our readers’ comments on the Mighty Network, but since I am still in my mortal body, I find I am still constrained by having only 24 hours in a day to work with {chuckle, chuckle}.)

It is going to be a process over an extended period of time as the forces of evil are brought to justice. To repeat another theme of the Q posts: We are transitioning from darkness to light.”

Which is, of course, wholly in line with what we have taught for years: that the Bible teaches us that our entrance into the (fully-established) Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth is likened to a woman in travail, a woman going through labor, experiencing the accompanying pangs of the birthing process.

As the moment of birth approaches, the contractions not only get harder and harder, but they get closer and closer together. If that does not describe our present national and geopolitical situation, then we could not find a metaphor more fitting.

How often have we (in our red-pilled, true Christian Israel circles) said to one another at our gatherings or via emails, phone conversations, and on the MN, and we continually remark how things keep happening at an increasingly rapid pace and how events (and revelations by and about the evil ones) are continually waxing worse and worse.

We are in a time of great spiritual darkness, concomitant with physical oppression and loss of liberties. The good news is that the Kingdom is coming to birth! Hallelu-Yah!

Here are a few of our thoughts upon listening to this podcast interview. These are not direct quotations of Juan, but are our conclusions based on the implications of things Juan discusses:

  • That gold and silver backed currency is coming in 2025 under Trump. And to our friend who asked in the Comments on the MN, What’s the alternative to the QFS? Perhaps gold and silver backed currency will be sufficient.
  • How the USA took down the Soviet Union by destroying their money (the Soviet ruble). Juan has on a number of occasions in the past many years hinted that he himself was closely involved in that takedown.

We have never heard Juan mention Mr. Leo Wanta, so we have no way of knowing if he (Juan, under his birth name) was allied in the purported secret operation of Wanta working directly on the orders of President Reagan to execute the task.

Some years ago we obtained Wanta’s autobiography called Black Swan, White Hat. The subject matter was of great interest because we had already been aware of such activities through various semi-private financial newsletters which readers had forwarded to us—and later through online sources such as Mr. Michael Cottrell.


Apparently, and perhaps because of Cottrell’s revelations online, his affiliation and access to the Wanta work” was terminated in March, 2008. Even now, in early 2024, we are still uncertain who is a white hat and who is a black hat, or who is just a gray hat” who is involved for his own personal aggrandizement in this complex story.

The whole Wanta story is on the shelf” as far as we are concerned. (Does anyone know why we emphasized story?”)

We must confess also that while there appears to be rock-solid proof in the documents reproduced in, and accompanying Wanta’s book as e-documents on a CD; we all know that nowadays it is not difficult to forge documents.

(Various intelligence agencies have done that for centuries {e.g., Queen Elizabeth’s agents working against the Jesuit agents in the 1500s}; but through recent photographic, copying, and communications technological advances, virtually anyone can do it.)

Furthermore, Wanta and his editor did an appalling job in their lack of professionalism in producing the book. From our perspective, that alone detracts from its credibility.

Frankly, it was a difficult read simply from its grammar, spelling, and punctuation aspects; let alone its frequent occurrences of poor sentence structure. That resulted in a lack of cohesiveness and clarity in the ideas and recitation of facts that Mr. Wanta was attempting to convey! I won’t bore you with examples.

In any event, we would not be surprised if someday Juan (in his commendably civil manner while addressing potential adversaries, and with well-chosen words) would indicate that there is something rotten in Denmark” with the entire Wanta affair. Nevertheless, we could be wrong; so we withhold judgment pending further information.

We certainly would rejoice to see Wanta’s alleged trillions of dollars go to the benefit of the American people, not to repay” the national debt to the gangsters whose phony money banking system put us in bondage in the first place!

That’s another red flag! Because it is clear in his book, chapter 17 among other places, that Wanta understands the fraud of the Federal Reserve. So why in the world would he want to pay off our alleged national debt to those international crime families? That makes no sense! The biblical course of action is to simply repudiate the so-called debt and bring the gangsters to justice!

  • Mr. 107 calls attention to the Putin interview by Tucker Carlson, and what commenced at precisely 17 seconds into the interview. It was deliberately planned that way! For those who have not seen the interview, Juan tells us what Putin said at that point.


(Non-clickable screen grab)

  • Juan describes the hidden comms with DJT wristwatch and presidential pen which were shown on several occasions in the Q posts, and how that method of communication is reflected and acknowledged by Vladimir Putin early in the interview.
  • There is a house-cleaning for America occurring. Get your mind’s attitude prepared for a long period as the evil ones are rooted out. This isn’t going to be over in one month or one year. Nonetheless, this is not the end of America. Our best days are still ahead.
  • The Supreme Court has been derelict in its duty in regard to the elections.
  • Discussion of the invasion going on primarily through our southern border.
  • Much more which we do not have the time to list here.

Give it some thought; pray and ask our Father for what you should do as we see the continuing fall of Mystery Babylon, how you should prepare, and how you can help in your community.

Here is the link to the interview which lasts 56:24.

-END-For your weekend enlightenment, we offer this recent interview of Juan O Savin (Mr. 107) on the His Glory” program. There were several Juan talks” which we have heard over the past ten days or more and this one is the best.

We chose to share this one because but not only does this one offer us Juan sans Nino—and therefore Juan does not have to yell at his host to get his point across—but in this one, Juan brings clarity to some recent events.

At the same time, he asserts clearly what we should expect in the short run and in the long run. In fact, the latter is one of the themes of this interview; namely, be prepared for the long run because this is not going to be over as soon as DJT gets re-elected.

That election itself will present some difficulties as the evil ones pull out all the stops to prevent their demise. But as our MN readers know, NCSWIC, Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming.

(Incidentally, I would love to respond to many of our readers’ comments on the Mighty Network, but since I am still in my mortal body, I find I am still constrained by having only 24 hours in a day to work with {chuckle, chuckle}.)

It is going to be a process over an extended period of time as the forces of evil are brought to justice. To repeat another theme of the Q posts: We are transitioning from darkness to light.”

Which is, of course, wholly in line with what we have taught for years: that the Bible teaches us that our entrance into the (fully-established) Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven upon the earth is likened to a woman in travail, a woman going through labor, experiencing the accompanying pangs of the birthing process.

As the moment of birth approaches, the contractions not only get harder and harder, but they get closer and closer together. If that does not describe our present national and geopolitical situation, then we could not find a metaphor more fitting.

How often have we (in our red-pilled, true Christian Israel circles) said to one another at our gatherings or via emails, phone conversations, and on the MN, and we continually remark how things keep happening at an increasingly rapid pace and how events (and revelations by and about the evil ones) are continually waxing worse and worse.

We are in a time of great spiritual darkness, concomitant with physical oppression and loss of liberties. The good news is that the Kingdom is coming to birth! Hallelu-Yah!

Here are a few of our thoughts upon listening to this podcast interview. These are not direct quotations of Juan, but are our conclusions based on the implications of things Juan discusses:

  • That gold and silver backed currency is coming in 2025 under Trump. And to our friend who asked in the Comments on the MN, What’s the alternative to the QFS? Perhaps gold and silver backed currency will be sufficient.
  • How the USA took down the Soviet Union by destroying their money (the Soviet ruble). Juan has on a number of occasions in the past many years hinted that he himself was closely involved in that takedown.

We have never heard Juan mention Mr. Leo Wanta, so we have no way of knowing if he (Juan, under his birth name) was allied in the purported secret operation of Wanta working directly on the orders of President Reagan to execute the task.

Some years ago we obtained Wanta’s autobiography called Black Swan, White Hat. The subject matter was of great interest because we had already been aware of such activities through various semi-private financial newsletters which readers had forwarded to us—and later through online sources such as Mr. Michael Cottrell.

Apparently, and perhaps because of Cottrell’s revelations online, his affiliation and access to the Wanta work” was terminated in March, 2008. Even now, in early 2024, we are still uncertain who is a white hat and who is a black hat, or who is just a gray hat” who is involved for his own personal aggrandizement in this complex story.

The whole Wanta story is on the shelf” as far as we are concerned. (Does anyone know why we emphasized story?”)

We must confess also that while there appears to be rock-solid proof in the documents reproduced in, and accompanying Wanta’s book as e-documents on a CD; we all know that nowadays it is not difficult to forge documents.

(Various intelligence agencies have done that for centuries {e.g., Queen Elizabeth’s agents working against the Jesuit agents in the 1500s}; but through recent photographic, copying, and communications technological advances, virtually anyone can do it.)

Furthermore, Wanta and his editor did an appalling job in their lack of professionalism in producing the book. From our perspective, that alone detracts from its credibility.

Frankly, it was a difficult read simply from its grammar, spelling, and punctuation aspects; let alone its frequent occurrences of poor sentence structure. That resulted in a lack of cohesiveness and clarity in the ideas and recitation of facts that Mr. Wanta was attempting to convey! I won’t bore you with examples.

In any event, we would not be surprised if someday Juan (in his commendably civil manner while addressing potential adversaries, and with well-chosen words) would indicate that there is something rotten in Denmark” with the entire Wanta affair. Nevertheless, we could be wrong; so we withhold judgment pending further information.

We certainly would rejoice to see Wanta’s alleged trillions of dollars go to the benefit of the American people, not to repay” the national debt to the gangsters whose phony money banking system put us in bondage in the first place!

That’s another red flag! Because it is clear in his book, chapter 17 among other places, that Wanta understands the fraud of the Federal Reserve. So why in the world would he want to pay off our alleged national debt to those international crime families? That makes no sense! The biblical course of action is to simply repudiate the so-called debt and bring the gangsters to justice!

  • Mr. 107 calls attention to the Putin interview by Tucker Carlson, and what commenced at precisely 17 seconds into the interview. It was deliberately planned that way! For those who have not seen the interview, Juan tells us what Putin said at that point.

(Non-clickable screen grab)

  • Juan describes the hidden comms with DJT wristwatch and presidential pen which were shown on several occasions in the Q posts, and how that method of communication is reflected and acknowledged by Vladimir Putin early in the interview.
  • There is a house-cleaning for America occurring. Get your mind’s attitude prepared for a long period as the evil ones are rooted out. This isn’t going to be over in one month or one year. Nonetheless, this is not the end of America. Our best days are still ahead.
  • The Supreme Court has been derelict in its duty in regard to the elections.
  • Discussion of the invasion going on primarily through our southern border.
  • Much more which we do not have the time to list here.

Give it some thought; pray and ask our Father for what you should do as we see the continuing fall of Mystery Babylon, how you should prepare, and how you can help in your community.

Here is the link to the interview which lasts 56:24.


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