
Devin Nunes—The Deep State Trying to Destroy TruthSocial Because it’s the People’s Voice—We Are Winning

QUOTE: Devin Nunes is the CEO of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG). Devin begins the conversation talking about Truth Social on how the company just went public and they are now implementing a video streaming surface [service?].

He says the [DS]/Establishement [sic] are trying to stop Truth Social but it is failing. The [DS] cannot stand the Truth because Truth is the people’s voice. [BO] is behind the spying campaign along with [HRC], they tried to stop Trump but it failed.

Now they are trying to stop him once again. Obama has been trying to remove Biden but it has failed. So Obama is now moving to the next phase to remove Biden, they are waiting for him to be nominee. All roads lead to Obama. END QUOTE

TMTG is building out a full-featured media company which is totally self-reliant. That means TruthSocial et al. does not depend upon Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft, Google, Oracle, or any other of the Big Tech companies.

This is great news. Trump and Nunes are building a media conglomerate which is wholly separate from the BM. No Big Tech censorship!

We (SKM) joined TruthSocial a couple weeks ago, and we plan to use it to help make people aware of our Bible-teaching presence. Follow us @StoneKingdom7 Enjoy Devin and Dave Episode” on x22. It runs about 57 minutes. Here is the link.



Up next The Divinity of Christ, part 3—More on the JW’s and Introduction to the Arian Controversy Nesara / Gesara Debunked? Clarified?
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