
What’s on Juan’s Mind Today? Weekend Bonus: SG Anon

Did you ever think about what it would be like to be in the upper echelons of the cabal? As we learn more and more via red pill educators online about the machinations of the anti-Christ cabal, I have pondered that scenario from time to time—but only for a minute or two. I am repulsed by the idea of being in their presence. This morning, I chanced upon” this in my Bible reading.

Proverbs 24:1 Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.

2 For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.

The Amplified Bible renders it this way:

24 Do not be envious of evil men, Nor desire to be with them; 2 For their minds plot violence, And their lips talk of trouble [for the innocent].

Today we offer Juan O Savin’s weekly update with John Michael Chambers. Long time readers of our blogs know that we have previously reposted many interviews of Juan which are quite lengthy (two hours and beyond).

We are aware that some find Mr. 107 wordy” and have a just-give-us-the-bottom-line type of attitude. That’s fine. Juan’s style is not for everyone, granted. On the other hand, I was a builder and chose not to become an engineer (too much advanced math), but nevertheless, I still desire to understand how things fit together, whether in a 3/2 residence or in a high-rise building.

And that translates over to my desire to understand how the rulers of this world operate, and most of all, how the Bible fits together.”

So when I hear Juan going on for hours to explain something, I appreciate it, because sometimes a step-by-step, line-upon-line train of reasoning is the only way to feel rock-solid in one’s understanding of various subjects.

All this (“wordy”) explanation 😊 is to say that whatever floats your boat is okay with us. So that as long as we can find (with our readers’ help) both long and short interviews with Juan, we will offer a variety for your discernment. This offering is a short one, but still has some red pill Continuing Ed for us. Here is part of the description at the website. QUOTE:

Join John & Juan in this episode where Juan discusses the following and more:

  • Pecking order of highest courts in the land
  • It’s a Republic and not a Democracy simply explained
  • All frauds will be revealed — already underway
  • This moment in time is about the court of public opinion (82%) — What’s your opinion? Pick a lane then live with it
  • Central Europe on the verge of nuclear war
  • Global banking crisis = Halt of national and international transactions
  • Conflict fighting — food scarcity

NOTE: Juan was cut off due to technical issues on international travel. [After the lost connection,] John opens up candidly about his Covid experience, General Flynn and discusses new news resources for the public to consider and more. END QUOTE

Juan loses the connection at about the 17 minute mark. But you may wish to hear Mr. Chambers’ thoughts to the conclusion at the 37-minute mark. This was recorded on April 25th 2024. Here is the link.

Over the past years, we have reposted quite a few interviews of 107 which have been edited and reposted by someone who goes by the name SG Anon.” I don’t think I have heard SG himself being interviewed, or if so, I don’t recall it.

In any case, I had this podcast playing in the background while doing some clerical work here which did not require my full attention, as it does when I am composing. I am impressed. This guy, SG, is quite knowledgeable.

I have only heard up to about the 25 minute mark, so I am taking a chance the rest of it will be just as fascinating as the first segment. Are any of our Mighty Network readers familiar with him? Comments?

Here is the link to the interview of SG Anon which was just posted earlier today.


Up next The Divinity of Christ, part 5—The Arian Controversy, part 3 The Divinity of Christ, part 6 In previous blogs, we have been teaching concerning what is known as the Arian Controversy. It is the heresy which teaches that Jesus is not God. we
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