
A Tale of THREE States—and Counting…

Yes! Not only are recent actions taken in the state of Tennessee something to encourage liberty-loving patriots—as we have outlined in our two previous posts—but now we have the good people of Wisconsin who voted this past Tuesday to ban Zuckerbucks”!

Here are excerpts from a few of the plethora of reports on the matter. The first is from the conservative Washington Examiner, linked here.

Wisconsin delivers a victory for election integrity

QUOTE: Two ballot referendums, one that prohibits private funding for election offices and another that mandates that only designated government employees administer elections, were approved by voters in the Badger State and enshrined in the state constitution.

The referendums had been championed by Republicans in the state legislature who had sought to ban localities from using private grants to administer their elections.

It is a matter that emerged after the 2020 election when Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg and his wife, Priscilla Chan, donated more than $300 million to the Center for Tech and Civic Life, a nonprofit group that offers grants to local election offices.

[The figures we had quoted at the time was that Zuckerberg had donated about $470 million, while his Chinese wife chipped in” an amount exceeding that of her husband!—JWB]

The largest funding allocations went to swing states such as Wisconsin, with Democratic-leaning counties benefiting the most… END QUOTE

More of this story is linked above and here.

Next, from the Washington Times:

QUOTE: The Republican National Committee celebrated the passage of the two amendments, saying that Wisconsin voters have made it clear that they do not want Zuckerbucks or dark-money interests influencing their local elections.”

The RNC and [Republican Party of Wisconsin] were proud to help drive this crucial victory and ensure strong poll-watching coverage across Wisconsin to ensure a transparent voting process.

This win emphasizes that Americans support basic election integrity safeguards in battleground states like Wisconsin and around the country,” RNC Chair Michael Whatley said in a statement.

The RNC played a big role in the state’s vote Tuesday night. The committee’s integrity team filled 1,100 election observer shifts across the Badger state to ensure transparency” at the polls.

Attorneys for the committee were also ready in an election integrity war room” to resolve any reported poll issues that came up. END QUOTE

Here is a link to the story above.

Next, this from Right Side Broadcasting Network:


QUOTE: For nearly four years, election integrity concerns have been raised and addressed within multiple states. The results of Wisconsin’s 2020 presidential election were highly contested due to a pause in vote counting on election night. President Trump has claimed he was leading until counting abruptly stopped and then resumed at 3:42 a.m. with an alleged vote dump” that pushed Biden ahead, via the Daily Mail.

Despite various lawsuits seeking to investigate the 2020 election results, the election was certified, and many of the cases were never given full attention by the courts. Americans who questioned the 2020 election results then shifted their focus to preventing election irregularities in the future.

In 2022, RSBN reported that the Wisconsin Supreme Court ruled absentee ballot drop boxes illegal despite their use in 2020. The next year, RSBN reported that California, Colorado, and Pennsylvania had settled lawsuits with Judicial Watch, agreeing to clean up voter rolls and remove hundreds of thousands of names of ineligible voters.

Now, Wisconsin voters have passed two measures that are expected to further resecure their electoral process. Conservatives celebrated this win on X.

Wisconsin native and CEO of X Strategies, Alex Bruesewitz, called it, HUGE WIN FOR ELECTION INTEGRITY!” END QUOTE

The full story is linked here.

Let us remember what the apostle James admonished of all believers:

James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Therefore, let us keep the faith and at the same time put feet to our faith in this battle for Christian liberty and for the Kingdom of Heaven to come upon the earth. That is in the Lord’s Prayer, as some Christians are inclined to forget.


Up next A Tale of Two States, part 3 Does the Eclipse to Occur on Monday, April 8th, Have Prophetic Significance?
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