
Trump-hating billionaire Bloomberg gives $500 Million to Finish the Job on Coal’

Here are a few excerpts from a story in the Epoch Times dated November 5, 2023. All emphases and comments within [brackets] are ours. QUOTE:

Behind a $500 Million Donation to Finish the Job on Coal’

Many wind and solar advocates argue that shutting down coal and gas plants is worth the risk and the cost because it’ll stop global warming.

Billionaire philanthropist and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg pledged $500 million in September toward shifting electricity production in the United States to wind and solar energy and shutting down its coal- and gas-fired plants.

[We would like to know: who or what Leftists NGOs will be the recipients of Bloomberg’s largesse? Will it be to help fund fake grassroots” protesters in the streets? A là the same old Hegelian dialectic tactic, that workhouse of the Left to engineer society into totalitarianism?]

However, some experts say that Bloomberg’s millions, together with the billions being spent by the Biden administration, are paving a road to ruin.

The donation from Bloomberg Philanthropies, which adds to the $500 million Mr. Bloomberg pledged in 2019, aims to finish the job on coal” and accelerate the clean energy transition to reach the goal of 80 percent of total electricity generation” from renewables, according to an official statement.

With 372 of 530 coal plants announced to retire or closed to date—more than 70 percent of the country’s coal fleet—this next phase will shut down every last U.S. coal plant,” Bloomberg Philanthropies stated.

The effort also aims to slash gas plant capacity in half, and block all new gas plants.”

Many of those who study America’s electric infrastructure say this is taking us down a dangerous path.

We’re following people here that are pied pipers,” physicist and energy analyst John Droz told The Epoch Times, referring to the literary character who led children to their doom through delusive enticement.

This whole business of promoting renewables as a solution is completely unproven, scientifically.”

The transition is destabilizing America’s power grid, which could damage transformers and cause long-term outages, according to Steven Milloy, energy expert, news commentator, and publisher of Junkscience.com.

We are in this nonsensical, headlong rush to wreck our grid,” he told The Epoch Times.

What’s overlooked in this drive to close coal and gas plants is America’s ability to keep the lights on. And while neither the Biden administration nor Mr. Bloomberg has produced a cost-benefit analysis for their plans, analysts say we can look to places such as Germany and Texas, which have taken the lead in transitioning to wind and solar, for a preview of what’s in store.

German energy economist Lars Schernikau has assessed the results of his country’s Energiewende” (energy transition) and warns Americans to not follow Germany’s example.

Wind and solar do not seem to work; otherwise, after 20 years of Energiewende,’ power prices would be lower and Germany would not be in trouble,” he told The Epoch Times.

Germany spent hundreds of billions of euros to build wind and solar facilities since 2002, doubling its power generation capacity and boosting the share of renewables to 60 percent from about 10 percent. However, its electricity production has been flat, while the cost of electricity skyrocketed.

Wind and solar don’t increase output proportionately because of their significantly lower capacity factor,” or the percentage that’s actually generated versus capacity built. …

Testifying before the U.S. Senate in 2015, former CIA Director James Woolsey was asked what would happen to Americans if the electric grid went down for an extended period.

There are essentially two estimates on how many people would die from hunger, from starvation, from lack of water, and from social disruption,” he said.

One estimate is that within a year or so, two-thirds of the United States population would die. The other estimate is that within a year or so, 90 percent of the U.S. population would die.

Despite that risk, government policies are pushing utilities to move faster to shut down coal and gas plants. END QUOTE

Hmmm… Makes us wonder why Senator Joe (“Mr. Coal”) Manchin, (D-WV) has announced he will not run again for his seat. Or is it wholly due to the fact that the WV Republican governor, Jim Justice, who is running for Manchin’s Senate seat has been endorsed by Trump and has been consistently and heavily thumping Manchin in the polls?

Manchin first began serving in the U. S. Senate in 2010 and became the state’s senior senator when Jay Rockefeller stepped down in 2015.

The ET story goes on for many paragraphs and can be found archived here.


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